From: The Right Stuff
Never elect a socialist to run a free market economy. Our so-called president spends billions, wait trillions, on social programs as we're drowning in record deficits, and then passes new legislation and taxes to handcuff businesses during a recession, both large and small, and he still can't figure out why the economy is in disarray. Incompetence comes to mind. You can't use your 60's ultra-leftist utopian society guidebook when trying to create jobs, disposable income to spur economic growth, for real Americans in the real world. Blame Bush, blame Congress, blame whomever you need...but in the end your bankrupt ideology, your complete lack of experience, is to blame. The media lambasted Palin during the 2008 campaign for her supposed lack of credentials, when hers trumped Obama's by a mile. She worked in civic government, ran successful businesses, was a reformist Governor, and even raised a family to boot. And Obama's credentials? Community organizer, pick-up basketball player, one completed term in the Senate...voted the most liberal mind you...and a racist autobiography. In 2011 our deficit is poised to surpass our GDP, the dollar is now lagging behind that of socialist countries, and we are in danger of failing into a double dip recession, if not a depression. When Bush was President, his efforts to bolster the economy were immediately crippled by 9/11, the corporate scandals, and at the tale end of his presidency, the credit collapse. Yet, the liberal media makes no mention of this...they simply attacked capitalism, or faulty conservative policies. 9/11 not only devastated our markets, it sent lasting shockwaves throughout global markets for years to come. We're still dealing with its rippling remnants.
Sure, Bush made mistakes too, don't get me wrong, but he didn't blame America or swing wildly hoping for a miracle, cure all, home run. He simply asked America to show patience and to adhere to solid, proven, economic principles. Yet, it was Liberals who spearheaded and passed the lending reform in the 90's under Clinton which changed our credit standards, thus allowing everyone who shouldn't have a loan, to have one. Solvency should never have anything to do with income, credit standards, merely the desire to implement affirmative social and economic justice. Sadly, far too many experienced lenders, business leaders, failed to use common sense in their credit practices, while simultaneouly gouging many decent, hard working Americans with unscrupulous intrest rates and penalties, and thus we the American taxpayer have paid the ultimate price. And we're still paying, as will our children. No, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama did not inherit the best economy, but he has done nothing to the contrary to alleviate our struggles. Wasn't it Obama who promised not to make excuses, to solve problems and move a unified America forward under a veil of transparancy and accountability? The fact he has chosen his own socialist agenda, passing a trillion dollar Universal Health Care bill...during horrible economic times no less...illustrates a reckless arrogance that shows neither concern, competence or pragmatism for the welfare of this country. Throw in new financial regulations...another leftist socialist goal... as well as new taxes on both corporate and small business America, and you have disaster my friends. You simply cannot be pro-jobs and anti-business. That's like being pro-egg and anti-chicken. Now that's not to say corporations & CEO's shouldn't be kept in check in terms of accountability to their workers, stock holders and the American consumer. Absolutely. We should always act swiftly in punishing those who violate our laws and violate the trust of the American people. However, when it comes to any government regulation, it is imperative that we do so without squashing markets, the entrepreneurial spirit of by utilizing that invisible hand of intelligent, measured regulation. What our liberal friends don't seem to understand is that the wealthy, or those well-to-do Americans, are responsible for a majority of new business and job creation in the US.. When you chop off the head of capitalism, simply because you envy its ability to persevere, adapt, and make a profit...the goal of any kill any chance of real economic recovery, or even worse, that fabled American dream. Afterall, what's the alternative; allow the government to own GM, GE, AT&T, Kraft, or Boeing? Sorry GM, you have our condolences. Just scary. Yes, it is capitalism which is responsible for turning America into the wealthiest and greatest nation on earth, for our revered quality of life, and for fostering some of the greatest technological breakthroughs in the history of mankind. Sounds evil, doesn't it?
It is true, no economic system is perfect, but capitalism is most consistent with who we are as a people, our love of liberty and manifest destiny, and it maximizes our potential, instead of limiting it. If Obama wants to spend us into submission, he should at least do it in the form of creating new businesses, which spurs new jobs, which generates more disposable income, and thus, creates a much more fertile playing field for growth and competition. Capitalism is freedom, freedom is your birthright, and we all possess, whether a multi-national corporation or a small town business owner, a right to earn a living and keep the fruits of our labor. America is predicated on hard work, self reliance, God, accountability and the freedom to choose our life without unnecessary government intrusion. But what would Obama know about that? All he has ever done is take. The time has come to take back America!
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