Thursday, August 26, 2010

Afghan outrage: U.S. troops scrounge for blankets, bullets

From: World Net Daily

Afghan outrage: U.S. troops scrounge for blankets, bullets: 'One of my soldiers went without ammo for 5 weeks'

The parents of an American soldier in Afghanistan have accused the U.S. government of leaving defenders of its freedoms without basics such as blankets, food, feminine hygiene supplies and even bullets, according to a report from Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin.

"One of my soldiers went without ammo for five weeks once they got to Afghanistan because of shortages. I can't reveal the name, because they are frightened of reprisals. If they can do what they did to a four star general like [Gen. Stanley A.] McChrystal, what would they do to a buck private?" . . . .

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