Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jihadis' Big Day in Kenya: Sharia Backed Constitution Signed, Obama Backed Defeat of Democracy, Sudan Jihadist Slaughterer Bashir Invited and Present

From: Atlas Shrugs

Jihadis' Big Day in Kenya: Sharia Backed Constitution Signed, Obama Backed Defeat of Democracy, Sudan Jihadist Slaughterer Bashir Invited and Present

Sharia was signed into law today, a victory for the Obama-backed Odinga putsch. Obama campaigned as far back as 2006 and $upported Islamist Raila Odinga in Kenya, and today, the poisonous fruit of that dangerous liaison became law.

Present at the signing of the new sharia constitution in Kenya was Sudanese President Umar al- Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court for genocide, and is responsible for the death of millions in a jihad against the people of Darfur and Sudan.

Islamic governments have targeted Kenya as a key element in the spread of Islam in Horn of Africa and ultimately the world. The Kenyan Diaspora including Presidential candidate Sen. Barack Hussein Obama has also played a part. [Atlas Shrugs quoting David Jonsson, February, 2008] . . . . .

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