Thursday, August 26, 2010

'Son of Hamas' warns U.S. fatally falling for lies

From: World Net Daily

'Son of Hamas' warns U.S. fatally falling for lies: 'Peaceful' Muslims following Quran's dictate to establish 'global Islamic state'

As the son of a Hamas co-founder who became a Christian, a spy for Israel and a consultant to the Holy Land Foundation terror-finance trial, Mosab Hassan Yousef offers a rare perspective on the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood – at once the spawn of nearly every major Islamic terrorist group and of "mainstream" operatives in the U.S. such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

Yousef, who recently was granted asylum in the U.S. after the Department of Homeland Security tried to deport him, told WND in a telephone interview Americans must understand that the ultimate goal of the highly influential Brotherhood is not terrorism but to establish a global Islamic state over the entire world. . . . .

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