Saturday, October 2, 2010

10/2 "One Nation" Rally

1:29  YouTube video

Proud Socialists March at Left-Wing Protest in DC

Socialist protesters and paraphernalia dominated today's left-wing protest rally in Washington, DC. The so-called "One Nation" rally was led by labor unions as an attempt to counter Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally, which took place in DC on 8-28-2010.

From:  The Blaze

AP: ‘Sparse’ Crowd of ‘Thousands’ Gathers in DC to Push Dem Agenda

Thousands of people flocked to the Lincoln Memorial for a rally Saturday organized by labor and civil rights groups, hoping to show support for the Democratic agenda in the face of expected GOP election gains next month.

More than 400 organizations, including faith, environmental and gay rights groups, sponsored the “One Nation Working Together” demonstration on the same end of the National Mall where a month ago tea party activists met to hear conservative commentator Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin.


From:  The Blaze / 1:29 video

MSNBC’s Schultz at One Nation: We ‘Must Fight the Forces of Evil – The Conservatives’

From:  The Blaze
‘One Nation’ Claims ‘Satellite Image’ Proves 10/2 Rally Is Bigger Than ‘Restoring Honor’

Well I guess that settles it. They already have the satellite images and all. The AP must be wrong about the “sparse” crowds. Even MSNBC was saying today’s rally was smaller than the one on 8/28. Joe Madison was happy to set everyone straight:

Now, did you catch the one possible point of wiggle room with the claim? Mediaite did:. . . .

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