Monday, February 27, 2012


8:13 video
Another part of a video series from Father Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture. For more visit

7:51 video
Another part of a video series from Father Barron will be commenting on subjects from modern day culture. For more visit


11:38 video

On February 5, 2012 Father Sammie Maletta delivered a Homily at St. John the Evangelist Parish in St. John, Indiana. This Homily addressed how President Obama is threatening our Religious Freedom and declaring war with the Catholic Church. Please take a few moments to listen. No one sums it up quite like Father Maletta. Go to to fight the HHS Mandate.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

15 Ways to take a stand against Monsanto and avoid GMO foods

15 Ways to take a stand against Monsanto and avoid GMO foods

What can consumers do to stop Monsanto and avoid genetically modified foods? Plenty. Here's a start:
  1. Only purchase corn and soy products that are labeled as either organic or GMO-free.
  2. Write or call companies and ask them if they use GM products. The more companies hear that consumers are unwilling to buy products with genetically modified ingredients, the more they will seek out conventional food ingredients.
  3. Ask your local supermarket to carry more non-GMO products. Give them specific brands to make it easier for them to meet your needs and follow through. When the Worthington Walmart stopped carrying organic tofu, I asked the manager of the produce department to bring it back. The next week, it was back on the shelves.
  4. Rent Food Inc. and invite some friends over to view it. The award-winning documentary does an excellent job of illustrating how Monsanto operates and why it matters. Also check out the film's 10 Simple things you can do to change our food system.
  5. Visit the Minnesota-based Organic Consumers Association's Millions Against Monsanto and educate yourself about the issues.
  6. Sign the Millions Against Monsanto petition.
  7. Limit your consumption of fast food and factory farm meats and eggs, all of which are huge consumers of GM corn feeds (not to mention lots of other health and environmental hazards).
  8. Consume whole foods and cook from scratch. GMO ingredients are in an estimated 80% of grocery store products.
  9. Grow an organic garden.
  10. Shop at farmers' markets and health food stores like the St. Peter Food Co-op.
  11. Write or call your legislators and tell them you want GM foods to be labeled and new GM crops restricted.
  12. Speak out when Monsanto buys off organizations like NPR with false PR campaigns.
  13. Follow Millions Against Monsanto on Facebook to stay current on GM news.
  14. Follow the Organic and Non-GMO Report on Facebook for more GM news or visit them online.
  15. Speak out against GM foods and forward information to friends and family.
These are just a few of the ways we can make a difference.
Remember, we have a voice in so many ways. We have a voice when we purchase sustainably grown foods, when we support companies that value farmers and the environment, when we vote, when we plant a garden or tell a neighbor why this matters.
Together, when we band together with other people who care about these issues, we have a very loud voice.
Let's make it heard.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

If You Love “Individual Liberty” Of If You “Believe In Conspiracy Theories” You Are A Potential Terrorist

If You Love “Individual Liberty” Of If You “Believe In Conspiracy Theories” You Are A Potential Terrorist

Do you love America? Are you against a one world economy and a one world government? Do you deeply love individual liberty? Do you believe in conspiracy theories? If you answered any of those questions affirmatively, then you are a potential terrorist according to a brand new Department of Homeland Security report that was just released in January 2012.

The report is entitled “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970 to 2008“, and it was produced by the “National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism” for the Department of Homeland Security. As you will see detailed later on in this article, the most shocking part of this report is when it discusses the “ideological motivations” of potential terrorists. The report shamelessly attempts to portray red-blooded Americans that love liberty and that love their country as the enemy. Once upon a time, deeply patriotic Americans were considered to be the backbone of America, but today they are considered to be potential terrorists.
And this report is yet another example of how the definition of “terrorism” has changed. A decade ago, the entire focus of the “war on terror” was on radical Muslims and we were told that we had to send our boys and girls to the other side of the world to defeat them.
Well, in this new report there is barely any mention of Islam at all. Instead, the report identifies patriots, conspiracy theorists, evangelical Christians, anti-abortion activists, survivalists and those that are against globalism as the real threats.
The focus of the “war on terror” has fundamentally shifted. The “enemy” is now those that love freedom and those that love America.
According to the new DHS report, the following are some of the beliefs and ideologies of American terrorists….

This report comes from the new DHS report:

18 Statistics That Prove That The Economy Has Not Improved Since Barack Obama Became President

18 Statistics That Prove That The Economy Has Not Improved Since Barack Obama Became President

Has the economy improved since Barack Obama became the president of the United States? Of course not. Despite what you may be hearing in the mainstream media, the truth is that when you compare the U.S. economy on the day that Barack Obama was inaugurated to the U.S. economy today, there is really no comparison. The unemployment crisis is worse than it was then, home values have fallen, the cost of health insurance is up, the cost of gas is way up, the number of Americans living in poverty has soared and the size of our national debt has absolutely exploded. Anyone that believes that things are better than they were when Barack Obama was elected is simply being delusional. Yes, things have stabilized somewhat and our economy is not in free fall mode at this point. But don’t be fooled. This bubble of false hope will be short-lived. The problems we are seeing develop in Europe will erupt into another full-fledged global financial crisis and economic conditions in the United States will get even worse. When that happens, what possible ” economic solutions” will Barack Obama have for us? We never even came close to recovering from the last great financial crisis, and now something potentially even worse is staring us in the face. This is not a great time to have a total lack of leadership in Washington.

The following are 18 statistics that prove that the economy has not improved since Barack Obama became the president of the United States….

Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members Of Congress Who Are Members Of Their Caucus

Socialist Party of America Releases The Names of 70 Democrat Members Of Congress Who Are Members Of Their Caucus

“This should come as a surprise to absolutely no one. The radical Marxist-progressives (communists) took control of the democrat party some time ago. They’ve only become more emboldened with the election of Barack Obama, who was raised as a communist from birth.
With their new found leader, Barack Obama, the Socialist Party of America felt secure enough to announce the names of 70 democrats in Congress that belong to their caucus.”
MA Members of the Socialist Party of America Caucus are as follows: