I was commenting on someone else's picture, a picture of Obama not saluting the flag or even paying attention during the playing of the national anthem(see photo below), and I was reading through the comments . . . someone said something to the effect of "why does everyone have to criticize our leader? Who would even WANT to be President with all this criticism?"
So needless to say, although I did not KNOW the woman who made the comment, I felt compelled to write THIS . . . sort of a report card, just a few things that came to me off the top of my head. And YES YOU CAN SHARE!
Scott Johns August 13 at 7:22pm
I read your comment on the picture of Obama NOT saluting the flag or even PAYING ATTENTION, and I have THIS to say: Obama SUCKS. He is corrupt, crooked, a liar, and the answer to your question: I don't want the government doing ANYTHING for me. They screw up everything they get involved in aside from the military. Examples: Social Security is broke and they're talking about raising the retirement age. Medicare and Medicaid are insolvent. The post office loses BILLIONS, they ran Amtrak in the ground, and they have NEVER done ANYTHING "on budget." EVERYTHING costs more than they plan. They WASTE MONEY and pay off their political supporters, that is ALL THEY DO. We send stimulus checks to people in PRISON, and to many who are DEAD. The government is FILLED with incompetent people who for the most part couldnt even survive in the private sector due to said incompetence. YES, there are some good ones. But they are the exception, not the rule.
1)Obama is for cap and trade, which even according to HIM, in his own words, will make electricity prices "necessarily skyrocket." How good an idea is THAT? It is going to raise the price of EVERYTHING, because EVERYTHING is made with energy, and will send more jobs overseas, as our products become even MORE expensive because the UNIONS have caused the cost to produce anything they are involved in making go UP. I am in the t-shirt business. T-shirts USED to be made all over this country. We had a coupld of plants here in Kentucky. They're gone now. Fruit of the Loom, Hanes, Russell, can't even make shirts here anymore . . . they're allmost all made in Central America due to Democrats and Unions making them close their doors.
2)The SIZE of government is exploding. They are hiring 15,000 NEW federal employees every week. Who is paying for that? YOU. The average federal employee makes almost $80,000. That is ridiculous and that is just the AVERAGE! Imagine how much some of these people get paid to think up ways to CONTROL YOU.
3)Obama does not respect the Constitution and refuses to ENFORCE the law he swore on a Bible he would uphold.
4)This man PRETENDED to be a Christian to get elected, but has been to church a TOTAL of five times in 18 months. Oh, but he has had SIX VACATIONS just since July. He claimed to the world that "we are not a Christian Nation," although we are nearly 80% Christian. Less than two weeks later he claimed in Egypt that "we are one of the largest muslim nations in the world." Yeah, we're muslim allright . . . on the basis of having a FEW MILLION of them here.
5)He waited eight days to even MENTION that there WAS a spill in the Gulf, and refused many countries' offers to help us out. His inaction and incompetence have RUINED beaches, marshes, lakes, killed animals, and ruined the oil industry through his MORATORIUM that was struck down(this guy went to Harvard?), the fishing and tourism industries are decimated, and it is HIS fault. I know what his plan was. Make more people dependant on the government in five RED STATES(although Florida is sometimes blue), to "convert" some conservatives by making them look to HIM for "goodies."
6)unemployment remains around 10% and he and his economic advisors promised us it would not go above 8% if we spent over $800 Billion. He flew to Detroit to announce 300 new jobs, which were created at a cost of $833,000 EACH . . . a complete waste of your taxpayer dollars.
7)He got $68 MILLION from labor unions and has done nothing but promote unions and pay them off with Stimulus money, every dollar mandated to be only paid to companies that pay "prevailing wage."
8)He has promoted a takeover of health care which has prolonged an economic recovery, taxing us for ten years while providing "benefits" for only six. His "health care czar" has praised the system in the UK, which by all accounts is a disaster, where rationing is practiced. People DIE in the hospitals there, awaiting treatment for things that are easily treatable here. Specifically, men with prostate cancer are much more likely to survive here than there.
9)The 8 days he waited to even MENTION the Gulf oil spill, he was consumed with demonizing the banks, which he promptly "reformed" and also spent the time LYING to the American People about what the Arizona bill said. His own attorney general went to hearing and admitted NOT EVEN READING the 12 page bill, but had already been on tv several times saying it promoted "profiling," although the bill specifically prohibits it. Oh did I forget to mention that experts agree that due to the "financial reform," loans will be harder to get, it will make doing business more expensive(gee, wonder who those COSTS are going to be passed on to?), and impose additional fees on US . . . do we really need the government looking after every aspect of our life? And how is it that a guy who has never RUN ANYTHING, has the ANSWER to everything?
10)General McCrystal asked for 40,000 troops last August and Obama waited until December to grant 30,000. And here we are, eight months later, and less than 10,000 have been deployed. Meanwhile, the death toll to our troops on Obama's watch are going UP, and we have over 1.2 MILLION troops NOT FIGHTING A WAR ANYWHERE, and we can't find 30,000 troops in over eight months? People who voted for this inexperienced CLOWN, who never has even so much as an assistant manager of a lemonade stand, has blood on their hands.
11)This man has bowed to the Saudi king, although he denied doing it(that makes him a liar), BOWED to the Japanese emporer, bought a DVD collection for the British Prime Minister(DVD's that won't even PLAY on their DVD players there) and spent six months touring the world apologizing for all the wrongs we as a country have been guilty of. I guess he forgot that when the Tsunami hit Indonesia, WE were there, that we have spent years raising money to fight Malaria and famine in Africa, have GIVEN money to almost every country that asks for it(most recently to Pakistan who secretly promotes the Taliban), rushed to help Haiti when an earthquake hit them, liberated Europe and more recently Kuwait, and countless other examples.
12)North Korea and Iran, two rogue nations are OPENLY pursuing nuclear weapons, which no doubt will start WWIII once Israel is hit. And what about South Korea? TO be so "anti-war," every day this man does NOTHING, the world and YOU are a little more unsafe.
13)He was AGAINST the war in Iraq, and yet claimed it(via Crazy Joe Biden) the success in Iraq was his "crowning achievement." His crowning achievement is an INCREASING death rate among our troops? Just checkin.
14)He has proposed spending increases in EVERY SINGLE AREA but two: The military and NASA . . . we're fighting TWO WARS and this guy wants to cut military spending? And he cut NASA's budget and made their MOST IMPORTANT mission, according to the NASA administrator to "reach out to muslim nations to make them feel good about their contributions to science." Whatever happened to sending rockets into space? And why are "muslim nations" singled out? Because HE is muslim.
15)He has divided this country, suing states and fueling racism. Remember the cop who "acted stupidly?" Yeah, that was a BLACK MAN who allegedly was mistreated by a WHITE police officer. But what did he say when the New Black Panther Party was caught on VIDEOTAPE intimidating voters, carrying batons at the polls? He had the Justice Department DROP THE CHARGES and to this day has YET to speak out against what the Black Panthers did right on videotape for ALL TO SEE!
16)Obama has had more DEFICIT SPENDING in his first YEAR than ANY FOUR of Bush's eight years, although he criticized Bush's spending(which admittedly was too high), COMBINED . . . spending HE VOTED FOR when he was a senator. He is a hypocrite, and a corrupt liar.
17)He defended himself for not having time to react quicker to the oil spill because we had "two wars," a recession, etc . . . but he had all those things when he flew to Norway to accept the Nobel Peace Prize he did NOTHING to earn, got involved in trying to get the Olympics to come to Chicago(which was the FIRST city eliminated from consideration), has plenty of time for golf(he has played more golf in 18 months than Bush played in eight years), time to play basketball, time to fly all over the world(no President has EVER traveled as much as Obama in their first 18 months), time for vacations out the wazoo, time to get involved in the "cops acting stupidly" in Cambridge Massachussetts, time to fly to New York to go to a PLAY, time for parties every Wednesday night at the White House ON OUR DIME(during a recession), time to go on The View, Letterman, Lay Leno, time for town hall meetings every other day(and bussing people in to make people think that people ACTUALLY SUPPORT THIS MORON) . . . but no time to react to the gulf oil spill, right?
18)His "stimulus" was supposed to be for AMERICAN JOBS, including many BILLIONS for a high speed rail system between Vegas and LA, to reward Nancy(CA) and Harry(NV). And guess who got the contract? If you said a CHINESE COMPANY, you would be right. This week it was revealed that European banks benefited more from the stimulus bill than monies their own governments gave them. A Swedish car company got BILLIONS to build cars . . . IN SWEDEN. That stimulus has done NOTHING to create jobs, NOTHING. Oh, aside from UNION WORKERS! Teachers, police, firefighters, and road construction workers. ALL UNION! Now we hear about "created OR saved" jobs, which is impossible to prove, and when the money runs out, WHAT THEN? More stimulus? It's a joke. How about TREAT the DISEASE, not the SYMPTOMS!? Now THERE is an idea.
19)He CLAIMED(lied thru his teeth) that Bill Ayers was "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood," but we now know the TRUTH. He sat on two boards with Bill Ayers, an admitted unrepentant TERRORIST, and claimed that he sat in a pew for 20 years but claims he never heard the hateful pro-racist statements made by his pastor, The Reverend Jeremiah Wright(another blatant LIE). And now he has SURROUNDED himself with marxists, socialists, including one such "person"(term used liberally) who claimed Chaiman Mao(a murderous tyrant who is responsible for the death of MILLIONS) is someone she "looks to." Oh, did I forget to mention that Valerie Jarrett is one of Ayer's "buddies?" How big IS CHICAGO? People in small rural towns don't bump into people as often as Ayers and Obama have. And lets not forget that Obama kicked off his political career in the living room of this man, you know, "just a guy in my neighborhood."
20)There is a man in PRISON named Tony Rezko. He is in prison for buying politicians. Obama bought a little piece of property CONVENIENTLY on the same day and NEXT DOOR to a lot Rezko bought. Soon thereafter, Obama had a slice of that lot deeded to him by Rezko, making Rezko's lot unmarketable.
21)He PROMISED not to have any lobbyists in his administration and has done nothing but hire lobbyists since he got the job.
22)Obama has spent the summer touting this to be the "Summer of Recovery." Unemployment claims have gone UP NOW four weeks in a row, and NOBODY believes we are in a "recovery," but that doesn't stop him from SAYING it, something not even that clown believes. SO this shows that either he is either lying or misinformed. Doesn't unemployment usually go DOWN in a "recovery?" That's what I thought. He's an inexperienced leader, but one thing he IS experienced at is lying through his teeth.
23)EVERYTHING this clown does is against PUBLIC sentiment and the Dems are going to pay the price on Nov 2. Write that down. The PEOPLE . . . are against Obamacare(over 65% still want it repealed), cap and trade, card check, and countless other decisions and actions he has made or taken.
24)He CLAIMED he was going to put EVERY BILL ONLINE for FIVE DAYS before signing it, and very RARELY has followed up on that promise. When the "stimulus bill" passed(to reward UNIONS but be paid for by EVERYBODY), he FLEW TO DENVER and wasted millions of dollars to stage a big signing. HE CLAIMED he was going to have all these open door meetings regarding Obamacare, and even "put them on C-SPAN," but did YOU see those meetings? Nope, the only thing that took place was PAYOFFS to buy votes in Arkansas, Nebraska, Florida, and other states, and arm twisting to get people to do what HE wanted, which is going to incidentally cost many of those corrupt lying idiots their job on November 2.
25)He promotes "green jobs," an industry that is not economically viable. If it was viable, the FREE market(a unique concept for this clown) would have brought it to market. Wind is more expensive, so is solar. So are hybrids. During a RECESSION we don't need to be bringing MORE EXPENSIVE energy to market. Suppliers do what is CHEAPER, not try and figure out the most expensive ways they can think of to heat our homes.
26)He TELLS PEOPLE to "vacation in the Gulf," but since saying that he has already taken several trips to New England to patronize liberals, and his wife spent over $200,000 going to Spain. Sure, they have a THREE DAY Gulf trip planned. THREE DAYS. And right now he is in Martha's Vineyard. He doesn't want to do ANYTHING to support CONSERVATIVES which populate the south. You want "transparency?" THERE is your transparency.
27)Economists agree: allowing the "Bush Tax cuts" to expire will hurt the economy. But that doesn't stop Obama. He never saw a tax bill he didn't like, and never saw a spending bill he didn't LOVE. Oh, except for when it comes to the military or NASA. When taxes go UP, spending in the private sector goes down, and all that happens is government gets BIGGER and more powerful. When people SPEND LESS, other people lose their jobs. But what does that do? CREATE Democrat supporters who need the GOVERNMENT to fill the void. Such a proposal, to let the cuts expire is INSANE, WRONG, and DESIGNED to make people dependent.
28)He promised not to raise your taxes "one dime," not ANY TAX if you made less than $250,000 as a couple, or $200,000 by yourself. Do you even want me to LIST the taxes he has either implemented or imposed, from cigarettes to tanning bed usage? He wants to tax fuel, energy, everything that MOVES gets taxed by this clown. And if you make MINIMUM WAGE, THIS MORON has raised your taxes if you smoke.
29)He wants to basically TELL US what to eat, with the idea that it is going to make us healthier, and MANDATE that we go get checkups at the doctor once Obamacare is enacted. But what about speaking out about things like HOMOSEXUALITY, which raises the risk that you will GET AIDS, and have very expensive treatments on your way to DYING because of your sexual preferences . . . Oh, but he wants to take away your SUGAR and SALT. Yeah, makes perfect sense. It costs an average of $600,000 to treat AIDS. That is PER PATIENT. I'm just sayin. If yer gonna tell Heinz how much salt they can put in my ketchup, and last time I checked SALT wasn't deadly . . . then tell men they can't sleep with other men. When is the last time someone died from eating salt? My great grandparents all lived to celebrate their 100th birthday, and they didn't have to have the GOVERNMENT tell them what to eat. For the record, I do not advocate the government making homosexuality illegal, I am just making a point of how utterly hypocriitical his positions are. I have many homosexual friends and am not making a moral judgment, but even someone is gay must accept that AIDS is more prevalent among them, and well . . . you can GOOGLE the costs.
So next time you think this CLOWN is being criticized ONLY because he neglected to salute the flag or even PAY ATTENTION while the Star Spangled Banner is being played, remember THIS e-mail.

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