Monday, August 23, 2010

Alveda King speaks on whether her uncle Martin Luther King Jr. would stand with Glenn Beck or NAACP on Aug. 28

From: The Daily Caller

Alveda King speaks on whether her uncle Martin Luther King Jr. would stand with Glenn Beck or NAACP on Aug. 28

Alveda King, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece and one of Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally’s keynote speakers, said if her uncle were alive today, he’d choose to attend the Aug. 28 rally that “demonstrates the spirit of love and unity and peace.”

The “which rally would Martin Luther King, Jr., attend” debate entered the discussion of Beck’s Restoring Honor rally versus the “Reclaim the Dream” rally the Rev. Al Sharpton and his National Action Network (NAN) are putting after NAACP President Ben Jealous said if Martin Luther King, Jr., was still alive today, he’d be attending the NAN rally on Aug. 28 and not Beck’s. . . . .

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