With Pelosi's Health Care Bill being voted on either Fri or Sat, now is the time to call the Blue Dogs. They are the below 47 Democrat congressmen in conservative red districts & if we are to stop this bill we will do so by putting pressure on these lawmakers to vote "NO."
We called all 47 of these congressmen this morning between 9-10:30 am & was able to reach all of them. We told them I represented the Tea Party movement & asked them to vote "NO" on the bill. We also asked how the congressmen would vote & that if they voted "YES" the Tea Party Groups would not support them in 2010.
We marked their stated position on the attached list in red. 9 of them indicated they were voting "NO" and 7 of them are voting "YES". The remaining 31 say they are still reading through the 2,000 pages & have not decided. It is these 31 that we would continue to call & remind them that the Tea Party Movement is monitoring their vote.Now is the time to call
Altmire, Jason (Pa.-04) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-2565
Arcuri, Mike (N.Y.-24) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-3665
Email: http://arcuri.house.gov/IMA/issue_subscribe.htm
Baca, Joe (Calif.-43) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-6161
Email: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Barrow, John (Ga.-12) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-2823
Berry, Marion (Ark.-01) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-4076
Email: http://www.house.gov/berry/zipauth.shtml
Bishop, Sanford (Ga.-02) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-3631
Email: http://bishop.house.gov/display.cfm?content_id=229
Boren, Dan (Okla.-02) WILL VOTE NO
Tel: 202-225-2701
Email: http://www.house.gov/boren/emailsignup.shtml
Boswell, Leonard (Iowa-03) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-3806
Email: http://boswell.house.gov/?sectionid=81§iontree=481
Boyd, Allen (Fla.-02) WILL VOTE NO
Tel: 202-225-5235
Email: http://www.house.gov/boyd/zip_authen.html
Bright, Bobby (Ala.-02) WILL VOTE NO
Tel: 202-225-2901
Email: https://forms.house.gov/bright/contact-form.shtml
Cardoza, Dennis (Calif.-18) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-6131
Email: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Carney, Christopher (Pa.-10) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-3731
Email: http://carney.house.gov/contact.shtml
Chandler, Ben (Ky.-06) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-4706
Email: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Childers, Travis (Miss.-01) WILL VOTE NO
Tel: 202-225-4306
Email: https://forms.house.gov/childers/webforms/contact.htm
Cooper, Jim (Tenn.-05) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-4311
Costa, Jim (Calif.-20) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-3341
Email: http://www.house.gov/formcosta/issue.htm
Cuellar, Henry (Tex.-28) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-1640
Email: http://cuellar.house.gov/Contact/SendMeAnEmail.htm
Davis, Lincoln (Tenn.-04) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-6831
Email: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Donnelly, Joe (Ind.-02) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-3915
Email: http://donnelly.house.gov/issue_subscribe.shtml
Ellsworth, Brad (Ind.-08) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-4636
Email: http://www.ellsworth.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=126&Itemid=
Giffords, Gabrielle (Ariz.-08) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-2542
Email: https://giffordsforms.house.gov/contact/email.shtml
Gordon, Bart (Tenn.-06) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-4231
Email: http://gordon.house.gov/contact/contact_form.shtml
Griffith, Parker (Ala.-05) WILL VOTE NO
Tel: 202-225-4801
Email: https://forms.house.gov/griffith/contact-form.shtml
Harman, Jane (Calif.-36) WILL VOTE YES
Tel: 202-225-8220
Email: http://www.house.gov/harman/contact/email.shtml
Holden, Tim (Pa.-17) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-226-5546
Kratovil, Jr., Frank (Md.-01) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-5311
Email: https://forms.house.gov/kratovil/contact-form.shtml
McIntyre, Mike (N.C.-07) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-2731
Email: http://www.house.gov/mcintyre/issue.shtml
Marshall, Jim (GA-03) WILL VOTE NO
Tel: 202-225-6531
Email: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Matheson, Jim (Utah-02) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-3011
Email: https://forms.house.gov/matheson/contact.shtml
Michaud, Mike (Maine-02) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-6306
Email: http://www.michaud.house.gov/article.asp?id=389
Minnick, Walt (Ind.-01) WILL VOTE NO
Tel: 202-225-6611
Email: https://forms.house.gov/minnick/contact-form.shtml
Mitchell, Harry (Ariz.-05) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-2190
Email: https://forms.house.gov/mitchell/webforms/issue_subscribe.htm
Moore, Dennis (Kan.-03) WILL VOTE YES
Tel: 202-225-2865
Email: http://www.moore.house.gov/contact/index.shtml
Murphy, Patrick (Pa.-08) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-4276
Email: http://www.patrickmurphy.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=55&Itemid=86
Nye, Glenn (Va.-02) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-4215
Email: https://forms.house.gov/nye/contact-form.shtml
Peterson, Collin (Maine-07) WILL VOTE NO
Tel: 202-225-2165
Email: http://collinpeterson.house.gov/email.html
Pomeroy, Earl (N.D.) WILL VOTE YES
Tel: 202-225-2611
Email: http://www.house.gov/formpomeroy/zipauth.htm
Tel: 202-225-3772
Email: http://ross.house.gov/?sectionid=77§iontree=7677
Salazar, John (Colo.-03) WILL VOTE YES
Tel: 202-225-4761
Email: http://www.house.gov/salazar/contact.shtml
Sanchez, Loretta (Calif.-47) WILL VOTE YES
Tel: 202-225-2965
Email: http://www.lorettasanchez.house.gov/forms/contact.html
Schiff, Adam (Calif.-29) WILL VOTE YES
Tel: 202-225-4176
Email: http://schiff.house.gov/HoR/CA29/Contact+Information+Form.htm
Scott, David (Ga.-13) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-2939
Email: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Space, Zack (Ohio-18) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-6265
Email: http://space.house.gov/?sectionid=61§iontree=2661
Tanner, John (Tenn.-08) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-4714
Email: http://www.house.gov/writerep/
Taylor, Gene (Miss.-04) WILL VOTE NO
Tel: 202-225-5772
Email: https://forms.house.gov/genetaylor/webforms/zipauth.htm
Thompson, Mike (Calif.-01) WILL VOTE YES
Tel: 202-225-3311
Email: http://mikethompson.house.gov/contact/email.shtml
Wilson, Charles (Ohio-06) UNDECIDED
Tel: 202-225-5705
Email: http://www.charliewilson.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=139
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