Tuesday, November 3, 2009



The following is from Brian Burch of

Dear CatholicVote A Member,

You're not going to be believe this.

Planned Parenthood is asking Catholics to call Congress and demand taxpayer support for abortion.

The billion-dollar organization already receives over $300 million in taxpayer money, and stands to strike it rich if nothing is changed in the current health care legislation.
So this week the nation’s biggest abortion provider sent out an urgent message to counter the growing opposition by Catholics to taxpayer-funded abortion contained in the current health care bills.

The Catholic Bishops sprung into action late last week, announcing their strong opposition to the current health care legislation because the bills include taxpayer support for abortion and fail to provide a conscience clause for doctors.

The Bishops have asked all Catholics to petition Congress to remove any support for abortion from the health care bill.

So Planned Parenthood is attacking the Catholic Bishops and calling their actions “dangerous.”
Here’s what Planned Parenthood’s President Cecile Richards said in a message this week to her supporters: “If you’re Catholic and you disagree with the bishops, please let your legislators know when you send your message. Your voice as a pro-choice Catholic needs to be heard NOW.”


How can you be a Catholic and support abortion, the killing of millions of our brothers and sisters?

The phones are ringing in the halls of Congress. Will activists claiming to be Catholic and pro-abortion be the only ones calling?


In the next 48 hours, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is expected to try and ram through a vote to prevent any amendment from being offered to the current legislation. The vote on a “closed rule” would slam the door on any effort to offer a pro-life amendment to the healthcare bill.
Catholics, pro-life advocates and all people of faith need to move quickly!

Call 202-224-3121. Tell your Member of Congress to VOTE NO on the “closed rule” for H.R. 3962. Tell them to allow a vote on the Stupak A mendment.

If you do not know your representative, look him or her up here: - With this directory you can lookup your Representative's local office phone number. Representatives pay more attention to calls made to their local office.

A bipartisan group led by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-P A ) and Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) want to amend the healthcare bill by adding pro-life protections. This is what the Catholic bishops have asked for, and what an overwhelming majority of A mericans want.

Here’s what the A ssociated Press reported Oct. 23: “Such an amendment would be almost certain to prevail, since it likely would attract the votes of most Republicans as well as some Democrats. So Democratic leaders won’t let Stupak offer it.”

If you have already called or written your Member of Congress, it is urgent that you contact them again right now.

So much is on the line. The Bishops know it. Planned Parenthood and Nancy Pelosi know it.
Send this email to all your friends and family. A nd call your Representative at 202-224-3121 today!

Brian Burch, PresidentCatholicVote

P.S. This week Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked if she had the votes to overcome the bipartisan group of represenatives seeking to amend the current legislation to prohibit taxpayer funds from funding abortion. Speaker Pelosi replied: “It’s too close to call.”

Call your represenative now and tell them to “vote NO on the ‘closed rule’ amendment procedure.” Tell them you want a vote on the Stupak A mendment to the current legislation. Call your representative today at 202-224-3121. It will take less than a minute. NOTE: This message was paid for by CatholicVote A We depend entirely on the support of our subscribers. To support our efforts, please visit As a lobbying organization, contributions to CatholicVote A are NOT tax-deductible.

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