Priest Arrested with 11 Pro-lifers at Nancy Pelosi's Office...
They RIPPED UP the bill!
Read story, and see video below
Dear Pro-life Friend:
On Thursday Afternoon, November 5, 2009, Father Norman Weslin - a living pro-life legend - and 11 other pro-lifers were arrested at Nancy Pelosi's office at #235 Cannon office building.
If only all Catholic Priests and protestant preachers had the courage of Father Weslin!!! We would have ended child-killing long ago!
They entered her office, with two complete copies of the bill - all 2,000 pages (4,000 total!) - and proceeded to rip it up, page by page, and strew it on the floor. What a picture!!!
Among those arrested was pro-life hero, Father Norman Weslin, age 78, the Founder of Lambs of Christ.
Aprox 150 supporters were in the hall, chanting: "Kill the bill! Kill the bill!" About 10 supporters of the bill chanted, "Health care for all!" Aprox 30 police were on site, arresting pro-lifers, one at a time. It was very dramatic...very intense. (Watch the video!)
No supporters of the bill were arrested!
See raw footage of the protest, and some of the arrests at the following link.
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=i5eNTYpmPsE
In case you do not know: the vote is scheduled in the House for the bill on Saturday.
Right now, it is my understanding that Nancy Pelosi and crew are 2 votes short: but they are working hard to get two Democrats to join them, and to ram this down our throats. Like never before, all 435 congressmen need to hear from you.
Call your Representative; if he/she is voting for the bill, threaten their job. If they are on the fence: threaten their job. Tell them you are angry, and you will work to end their career if they vote for this. The number is: 202 224 3121.
If you want to reach every House Member in the country with a PERSONAL LETTER FROM YOU...SENT BY FAX...go to:
You can write your own words. Be as aggressive as you want (as long as it is ethical and legal!) in your words as you fight to "kill the bill!" Then, copy your letter to your friends and your pastor, showing them what you said to every congressman in America.
No matter what: call your Representative right away at 202-224-3121.
No matter what: watch the video, and forward it to your friends.
And if you can, write to EVERY HOUSE MEMBER - all 435 of them - in America, for only pennies per Representative.
Friend...let's not "leave anything on the court." We must crush this bill, or it will crush us.
For Christ, and His babies.
Randall Terry
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