Sunday, September 12, 2010

To Burn Or Not To Burn: September 11, The Mosque and Inflamed Qurans

From: Conservative Refocus

To Burn Or Not To Burn: September 11, The Mosque and Inflamed Qurans

"To be or not to be," a phrase that has given us all a thoughtful pause, when considering our time above ground, seems now to have been replaced. The modern twist on this classic bit of ponderous phrasing has now become "to burn or not to burn," or even better "to move or not to move." These are the absurd questions that currently appear to have occupied The Civil Society's attention and energy with regard to the Ground Zero Mosque for what seems a fruitless eternity.

We now have pundits, the Mainstream Media and various Politicos pouring out of the woodwork like demented termites in order to, perhaps understandably, denounce the Reverend Terry Jones and chastise him for creating an atmosphere of danger to Americans and even our Soldiers due to his universally denounced "outrageous intent" of staging a Quran burn-fest. . . . .

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