Sunday, September 26, 2010

'Pulpit Freedom Sunday' to Defy IRS

From:  ABC News

'Pulpit Freedom Sunday' to Defy IRS

Nearly 100 pastors across the country planned to take part in Pulpit Freedom Sunday, an in-your-face challenge Sunday to what the government says can and cannot be said in church.

The pastors, along with the Scottsdale, Ariz.-based nonprofit Alliance Defense Fund, are reacting to a law stating that churches are not allowed to support politicians from the pulpit, according to the ADF.

The growing trend is a challenge to the IRS from the churches, and may jeopardize their all-important tax-exempt status. But some pastors and church leaders said they are willing to defy the law to defending their right to freedom of speech.

Federal tax law, established in 1954, prohibits churches and tax exempt entities from endorsing or opposing political candidates. . . . .

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