Monday, September 13, 2010

Thanks Barack: U.S. debt is more than all money in the World

From: Gateway Pundit

Thanks Barack: U.S. debt is more than all money in the World

Thanks Barack.The US now owes more money than all of the money in the world combined.Kevin D. Williamson at National Review Online reported:

I have argued that the real national debt is about $130 trillion. Let’s say I’m being pessimistic. Forbes, in a 2008 article, came up with a lower number: $70 trillion. Let’s say the sunny optimists at Forbes got it right and I got it wrong.

For perspective: At the time that 2008 article was written, the entire supply of money in the world (“broad money,” i.e., global M3, meaning cash, consumer-account deposits, checkable accounts, CDs, long-term deposits, travelers’ checks, money-market funds, the whole enchilada) was estimated to be just under $60 trillion. Which is to say: The optimistic view is that our outstanding obligations amount to more than all of the money in the world. . . .

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