Friday, September 10, 2010

Partisan Media Tries to Link Rush & Koran-Burner from Cape Girardeau

From: Rush Limbaugh

Partisan Media Tries to Link Rush & Koran-Burner from Cape Girardeau

RUSH: Yes, Snerdley, I'm gonna talk about the preacher, but I'll do it in my own time. (laughing) This guy is from my high school graduating class, Terry Jones, and the media, there's some media out there accusing me of hiding this fact from all of you. And I didn't even know it!

I got an e-mail yesterday afternoon right before the program ends, "Do you know this guy was in your graduating class?" No. No. I'm trying to think of who it was. And then somebody sent me the picture from the yearbook. The media is saying, "Limbaugh had to know the guy. This guy's pictures on page 130 of the yearbook, Limbaugh's on 132." (interruption) Well, it's a small town, yeah, but Dawn do you remember everybody you went to high school with? Do you? My high school was like 2,000 people. Do you remember everybody in it? Look, if this guy's name happened to be Ennis Slobodnik, then I would remember it, but how many Terry Joneses are there out there? This guy is in Florida to boot. He's not in Missouri. He didn't have a mustache. I'll tell you who this guy was. This guy was a pitcher. He was a left-hand pitcher. I remember him not from school. I don't ever remember seeing him in school. Not denying it, had to happen, but I don't remember it. We were in the Babe Ruth League together, which is the next stage after the Little League. . . .

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