Thursday, September 16, 2010

Christian site whacked by Muslim hack attack

From: World Net Daily

Christian site whacked by Muslim hack attack: Warning message left behind: Don't mess with 'Great Islam'

A website linked to a lawyer who defended Muslim-to-Christian convert Rifqa Bary, whose case made headlines when she, as a juvenile, ran away from her Islam-devoted parents, has been attacked by a hacker who attributed his actions to "Great Islam."

Officials with the Florida Family Policy Council said much of the site's code was "destroyed" by a hacker who left behind a message with a scatological reference to the organization's work

While the Bary case was not referenced by the hacker, the council's chief, John Stemberger, was a key part of Bary's case for a time while it was in the courts in Florida. He linked the case to the attack. . . . .

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