Friday, June 25, 2010


By Jonah Knox

Now that General McChrystal is gone, liberals and conservatives seem to agree that McChrystal did not show sufficient “respect” for President Obama. But what about respect from Obama and his ruling liberal elite for our system, our country, and its values? What about the chain of command that makes Obama answerable to the American people and the system that he is so brazenly attempting to transform into something completely foreign to what our founders intended?

Whatever differences the liberals and conservatives have on this issue, most commentators agree that General McChrystal—and his aides—should not have said what was in the Rolling Stone interview. The agreement explains why the liberals have won the battle over the long-term fate of the United States of America. They are controlling the debate over what is appropriate and what is not.

As an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran who was stationed in the Middle East, I am not a fan of General McChrystal. But that doesn’t matter in this situation because the key point is that many of those supposedly on the Right who like General McChrystal nevertheless agreed with the liberals that it was wrong for an active duty general to “undermine” or “disparage” the commander-in-chief. They said that it’s something that you just don’t do—that it violates the way things are done and breaks rules. What nonsense.

The liberals in power constantly do things that you are not supposed to do, violate the way things are done, and break rules and laws. The liberals in the White House and Congress have firmly established that the only rule is that there are no rules. And they stand firmly together and applaud themselves for it even as they face no serious consequences for their immorality. So if the Right believed that General McChrystal was the correct guy for the job, they should have rallied around him and defended him, instead of joining with the liberals.

Here are a few examples of things that we once did not do (and which still break the law or rules) but which the liberals have normalized through unilaterally and unapologetically doing:

It is now acceptable to have the police escort a mob of thugs to a banker’s home so the mob can terrorize innocent civilians.

It is now acceptable to have the New Black Panthers wield weapons outside a voting station in order to increase liberal voter turnout.

It is now acceptable to appoint a homosexual advocate as a “safe schools czar” and boast of it. Those who condemn such perverts and their advocates are deemed “hateful” and of “leading a vicious smear campaign.” Telling the truth is now a smear.

It is acceptable for the president to try to force the troops, involved in two wars, to accept open homosexuals in the ranks so that a political special interest group can be appeased.

It is now acceptable to have a U.S. President who is personal friends with a communist terrorist.

It is now acceptable to have a U.S. President who goes around the world “apologizing” for America and debasing it.

It is now acceptable for elected officials such as Senator Harry Reid to disparage our troops and give comfort to the enemy.

It is now acceptable to beat an old woman on live TV and “protest” against laws attempting to preserve the last vestiges of morality (see the homosexual reaction to the Proposition 8 measure in California).

It is now acceptable to attack a beauty pageant contestant with the most vulgar of language because she did not completely embrace the sodomite agenda.

It is now acceptable to destroy the institution of marriage, even though the institution of marriage is sacred, according to the Bible that tens of millions of Americans still embrace.

It is now acceptable to promote sodomy and indoctrinate our children into it.

It is now acceptable to slaughter the unborn in the name of “choice.”

It is now acceptable to deny and legally subvert the Christian heritage of this nation.

It is now acceptable to aid illegal aliens and bring lawsuits against states like Arizona which choose to enforce the law that the federal government refuses to enforce.

It is acceptable to side with foreign invaders and prosecute American citizens who are trying to protect our sovereignty and lives.

It is now acceptable to practice and promote socialism, communism, or statism, or whatever one wants to call it.

It is acceptable to bow down at the altar of Islam and put no preconditions on talking with the most evil of terrorists and regimes.

And it is now acceptable to declare Tea Partiers, proponents of national sovereignty, and other law-abiding citizens of the United States of America “enemies” of the state, even as one allies with communists and Mexican invaders.

The liberals do all these things that you are not supposed to do. They break all these laws and rules and more. Yet the Right does not call them on this—at least not with any backbone or conviction. And so it is laughable to hear those supposedly on the Right say that while they like General McChrystal and wished that he could have stayed, President Obama had no choice but to ask for his resignation because General McChrystal said things “you just don’t say” and was “disrespectful.”

I’ve known for some time that the Republicans are a spineless joke but now it appears that the conservatives are, too.
There are no rules of “civility” any longer. One must simply fight if one hopes to win this war. But it does not appear that the Right will be able to do this because the Right cannot identify that there is a war, doesn’t realize that there are no rules of engagement, and cannot even identify who the domestic enemy is.
And so the liberals will keep talking about General McChrystal’s forced resignation and what other courses of action will now follow. But the key point will never be discussed and never even be realized.

But it remains the key point nonetheless: unless the Right stops condemning people like General McChrystal, whose contempt for the President he voted for is obviously shared within the ranks, the Right will ensure that it will stay on the defensive. The complete destruction of the nation will inevitably follow.

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