Friday, June 25, 2010


From Patricia Walston of United We Stand - Divided We Fall

Disclose Act passes House headed for Senate – Violates Supreme Court decision

CALL YOUR TWO SENATORS NOW! A bill designed to curtail the activities of smaller political groups like the Tea Party has passed the House of Representatives and is now headed to the Senate. The only thing the citizens of Atlanta and the nation can now do in order to defeat this bill is to contact their senators and ask them to vote against it. It will take at least one Republican vote for this to pass if all Democrats vote for it. Remind those, as if they did not know, that this is an election year and you will be watching how they vote before you do.

This bill was slated for an earlier vote but was delayed because of concern of it not passing with certain cuts in the bill to exempt certain groups. It was quietly brought back before the house here it passed 219 to 206. If this passes the house, it will have significant impact on the November elections which was for the intended purpose.

Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney and professor of Constitutional law in Texas had the following to say:
“My first Legislative Alert that I posted on my blog on June 8th dealt with HR 5175, “The Disclose Act” that was pending in Congress. Unfortunately, this very dangerous and clearly unconstitutional piece of legislation passed the House of Representatives on June 24th by a vote of 219 to 206. Now, the only chance to defeat it is to immediately contact your U.S. Senators and urge them to vote against it. The indications are that Harry Reid plans on pushing it to the Senate floor as quickly as possible.

If this bill passes it will have a major chilling impact on businesses and independent issue oriented conservative groups that plan to be heavily involved in the upcoming elections. The law is designed to limit these groups in direct violation of the Supreme Court decision in the case of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that clearly stated that these types of limitations on political speech violated the First Amendment to the Constitution.

This is not only an attempt by the Obama Administration to silence its opponents before the November election, but it is a statement by the House of Representatives and the President that they believe the Constitution is dead and that the third branch of government, the Federal Judiciary is no longer relevant and can be ignored. Please contact your Senators and urge others to do the same.

President Obama: "I congratulate the House of Representatives on today's passage of the DISCLOSE Act, a critical piece of legislation to control the flood of special interest money into our elections... The House bill is not perfect - I would have preferred that it include no exemptions. But it mandates unprecedented transparency in campaign spending, and it ensures that corporations who spend money on American elections are accountable first and foremost to the American people. I urge the Senate to act swiftly on its version of the bill, and I look forward to working with both chambers on prompt enactment of final legislation."

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele: "The DISCLOSE Act is just another round of political gamesmanship designed to expand the influence of big labor and liberal special interests while discouraging other groups from engaging in political debate. It is regrettable that Democrats are more focused on blatantly stacking the electoral deck ahead of the midterms than they are about creating jobs and reducing the debt."

This link will take you to information on how to contact your senator. A phone call would be best; but at least you will have your say if you send a form e-mail.

This law not only favors a one sided benefits for the big interest groups and minimizes that of the smaller groups, it is a direct opposition to a Supreme Court decision. What does that tell us about this administrations regard for the Constitution?
United We Stand – Divided We Fall

PS: The 4th is coming up rapidly. You guys are the key to the success of this site. This is a pro-active site and we need good godly people who will take a stand for our country rather than just standing around complaining about what is going on.

Just to put your name on a group does not accomplish anything. We can’t do everything; but we can do something. Or we can sit back and see our beloved country go down the drain. You have many friends here on Facebook and only you can contact them and ask them to be a part of United We Stand – Divided We Fall.

The games that millions of people play here on this site are interactive people – they are engaged in the games they enjoy – but this is no game our country is facing and we need to be engaged more than just outraged. We are at a crisis crossroads in our country and unless we stand now to make a difference, in the future, it will make no difference.

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