Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fed Fires $600 Billion Stimulus Shot

From:  The Wall Street Journal

Editor's Note:  As Glenn Beck predicted:  1) This would happen on election day when the story would be buried because of election coverage, and 2) This is America's "Weimar Moment." 

Fed Fires $600 Billion Stimulus Shot

The Federal Reserve, in a dramatic effort to rev up a "disappointingly slow" economic recovery, said it will buy $600 billion of U.S. government bonds over the next eight months to drive down interest rates and encourage more borrowing and growth. . . . . .

Many outside the Fed, and some inside, see the move as a 'Hail Mary' pass by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. He embraced highly unconventional policies during the financial crisis to ward off a financial-system collapse. But a year and a half later, he confronts an economy hobbled by high unemployment, a gridlocked political system and the threat of a Japan-like period of deflation, or a debilitating fall in consumer prices. . . . . .

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