Friday, November 12, 2010

Beck: Pay attention America; Soros’s Five-Step Plan to bring down America in his own words(Video)

From:  Red, White, and Blue News

Beck: Pay attention America; Soros’s Five-Step Plan to bring down America in his own words(Video)

The fact that Soros has taken down several other countries, because the citizens had no idea what he was doing, makes him the most dangerous man on the planet!! The fact that he is trying his crap in America, where we have patriots like Glenn Beck, shows he knows NOTHING about the spirit of America!!

Say what you want about Glenn Beck but all he is doing is REPORTING the actual WORDS FROM George Soros mouth…..Prove him wrong…..Please. Bet ya can’t! But but but, it’s Glenn Beck. SO WHAT? Listen to the message and tell me where he is wrong, and I will take down the post. . . . .

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