6:11 YouTube video
Death Panels in ObamaCare: Dr. David Janda explains rationing and why Dr. Rob Steele must defeat Dingell.
What did congress do to us? WATCH AND LEARN
I don't believe that you will be pleased to hear this info.
This website is a right-wing/conservative site that will dispute much of what is on other left-wing/liberal sites. In other words, this is the "Right" Politico site because it has all the "correct" information. This site gives out TRUTHFUL INFORMATION. Arm yourself with information and the truth! ! This is an EDUCATIONAL and RESOURCE webiste! !
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Faces Of The Innocent (Islamic Honour Killings)
4:42 YouTube video
Faces Of The Innocent (Islamic Honour Killings)
Stories of Islamic "honour" killings in the civilized world.
Faces Of The Innocent (Islamic Honour Killings)
Stories of Islamic "honour" killings in the civilized world.
Man Kneels to Obama
From: Yahoo News
A man gets on his knees next to a car carrying U.S. President Barack Obama as he pulls away from Valois restaurant in Chicago, October 31, 2010
A man gets on his knees next to a car carrying U.S. President Barack Obama as he pulls away from Valois restaurant in Chicago, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Obamacare Endgame: Doctors Will be Fined or Jailed if they Put Patients First
From: Big Government
Obamacare Endgame: Doctors Will be Fined or Jailed if they Put Patients First
If Obamacare is completely implemented, doctors will no longer be practicing medicine. They will instead become the drones tasked with deciding who gets the meager healthcare crumbs doled out by the bureaucrats who have the ultimate power over patient life and death. Those who are deemed to have illnesses that require treatments which are not cost effective can expect a one way ticket to a hospice.
Like so many bills passed by Congress, there was a hidden provision in the Stimulus bill passed in 2009. It spends 1.1 billion dollars to create an important piece of the framework for the healthcare bill called the Coordinating Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. It is based on the false premise that doctors in consultation with their patients don’t have the ability to make the right healthcare choices (see executive summary). The council consists of 15 people appointed by the President.
They all have one thing in common–they are all isolated from day to day patient care; and therefore, are insulated from the real practice of the art of medicine. It makes it easy to see patients as a cost center to be controlled. With views of members like Dr Emanuel, who champions the complete-lives system, it is hard to ignore the probability that senior citizens, those with chronic illness, and the very young will be on the outside looking in. This council is another example of the people of this country being told by the government that it knows what is best for us. . . . .
Obamacare Endgame: Doctors Will be Fined or Jailed if they Put Patients First
If Obamacare is completely implemented, doctors will no longer be practicing medicine. They will instead become the drones tasked with deciding who gets the meager healthcare crumbs doled out by the bureaucrats who have the ultimate power over patient life and death. Those who are deemed to have illnesses that require treatments which are not cost effective can expect a one way ticket to a hospice.
Like so many bills passed by Congress, there was a hidden provision in the Stimulus bill passed in 2009. It spends 1.1 billion dollars to create an important piece of the framework for the healthcare bill called the Coordinating Council on Comparative Effectiveness Research. It is based on the false premise that doctors in consultation with their patients don’t have the ability to make the right healthcare choices (see executive summary). The council consists of 15 people appointed by the President.
They all have one thing in common–they are all isolated from day to day patient care; and therefore, are insulated from the real practice of the art of medicine. It makes it easy to see patients as a cost center to be controlled. With views of members like Dr Emanuel, who champions the complete-lives system, it is hard to ignore the probability that senior citizens, those with chronic illness, and the very young will be on the outside looking in. This council is another example of the people of this country being told by the government that it knows what is best for us. . . . .
Communist Party USA Teams up with Democrats on “Get Out The Vote.”
From: Red White and Blue
Communist Party USA Teams up with Democrats on “Get Out The Vote.”
If this doesn’t show supporters of the “New” Democratic Party that their party has been hijacked by the Progressives and Communist agendas then I don’t know what will. They are not even hiding it any longer…..”in your face” type of support. If you go to the actual Communist Party USA website, you will see what other Democrat Party affiliations are helping the Commies destroy economy. I hope Independents are paying attention.
have already had Liberals saying: But But But Where is their connection to the Dems? Give me a break! The Communist Party USA is openly and actively collaborating with the DNC, Obama’s personal campaign (Organizing for America), MoveOn.org, Rock the vote and the AFL-CIO. If the “New” Democratic Party is not collaborating then why have your links on the Commie Website…DUH!!!! Obama’s own Personal Website is a backer…..Geeeesh….Wake Up America!!!
(Directorblue.blogspot.com) Just wondering: when did it become acceptable among Democrats to openly collaborate with Communists, whose stated goal is the destruction of the American economy?
Or, put another way, when did it become acceptable for Democrats to intentionally destroy the economy in order to “transform” (their word, not mine) America. . . . .
Communist Party USA Teams up with Democrats on “Get Out The Vote.”
If this doesn’t show supporters of the “New” Democratic Party that their party has been hijacked by the Progressives and Communist agendas then I don’t know what will. They are not even hiding it any longer…..”in your face” type of support. If you go to the actual Communist Party USA website, you will see what other Democrat Party affiliations are helping the Commies destroy economy. I hope Independents are paying attention.
have already had Liberals saying: But But But Where is their connection to the Dems? Give me a break! The Communist Party USA is openly and actively collaborating with the DNC, Obama’s personal campaign (Organizing for America), MoveOn.org, Rock the vote and the AFL-CIO. If the “New” Democratic Party is not collaborating then why have your links on the Commie Website…DUH!!!! Obama’s own Personal Website is a backer…..Geeeesh….Wake Up America!!!
(Directorblue.blogspot.com) Just wondering: when did it become acceptable among Democrats to openly collaborate with Communists, whose stated goal is the destruction of the American economy?
Or, put another way, when did it become acceptable for Democrats to intentionally destroy the economy in order to “transform” (their word, not mine) America. . . . .
Wake the kids and phone the neighbors; We have Democrats arrested for ballot fraud
From: Red White and Blue
Wake the kids and phone the neighbors; We have Democrats arrested for ballot fraud
RWB News: Yes, they are Democrats, but you would not know this by reading the article. For some reason the media does not want the public to know about what party is doing all the cheating. Democrats are killing our Liberty; Massive voter fraud reported in 8 states.
Daytona Beach City Commissioner Derrick Henry and his campaign manager were arrested this morning and charged with absentee ballot fraud, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office said.
Henry, 41, is charged with two counts of absentee ballots and voting violations, nine counts of being a principal to absentee ballots and voting violations and one count of conspiracy to commit absentee ballots and voting violations.
Genesis Robinson, 21, is accused of 11 counts of being a principal to absentee ballots and voting violations and one count of conspiracy to commit absentee ballots and voting violations.
All of the charges are third-degree felonies, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. . . . .
Wake the kids and phone the neighbors; We have Democrats arrested for ballot fraud
RWB News: Yes, they are Democrats, but you would not know this by reading the article. For some reason the media does not want the public to know about what party is doing all the cheating. Democrats are killing our Liberty; Massive voter fraud reported in 8 states.
Daytona Beach City Commissioner Derrick Henry and his campaign manager were arrested this morning and charged with absentee ballot fraud, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office said.
Henry, 41, is charged with two counts of absentee ballots and voting violations, nine counts of being a principal to absentee ballots and voting violations and one count of conspiracy to commit absentee ballots and voting violations.
Genesis Robinson, 21, is accused of 11 counts of being a principal to absentee ballots and voting violations and one count of conspiracy to commit absentee ballots and voting violations.
All of the charges are third-degree felonies, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $5,000. . . . .
White House Insider: "They were in shock at the president’s behavior."
From: News Flavor
White House Insider: "They were in shock at the president’s behavior."
. . . . .Care to let us know what campaign you are working for? Sorry, I don’t wish to reveal that. I’ll just say it’s a campaign that has already received significant national attention, and the working time frame to prepare for Election Day is very short. We are in scramble mode, but things appear to be going well, all things considered.
Ok then, can I ask you your predictions for the November election, now that we are just days away? How bad do you think it’s going to be for the Democrats? I have been given access to a significant amount of internals all across the country. Senate, House, and governor races, and…well, it is going to be a very tough night for the Democratic Party. It is as bad as I and some others feared it would be for us a couple months ago. Nothing has improved - maybe a few races here and there have tightened, but overall, it’s looking very bad for us. Actually worse than the national polling data currently suggests even. . . . .
White House Insider: "They were in shock at the president’s behavior."
. . . . .Care to let us know what campaign you are working for? Sorry, I don’t wish to reveal that. I’ll just say it’s a campaign that has already received significant national attention, and the working time frame to prepare for Election Day is very short. We are in scramble mode, but things appear to be going well, all things considered.
Ok then, can I ask you your predictions for the November election, now that we are just days away? How bad do you think it’s going to be for the Democrats? I have been given access to a significant amount of internals all across the country. Senate, House, and governor races, and…well, it is going to be a very tough night for the Democratic Party. It is as bad as I and some others feared it would be for us a couple months ago. Nothing has improved - maybe a few races here and there have tightened, but overall, it’s looking very bad for us. Actually worse than the national polling data currently suggests even. . . . .
Rangel plan gives prez 'civilian security force'
From: World Net Daily
Rangel plan gives prez 'civilian security force': Proposal provides mandatory induction for 'national defense,' 'homeland security'
When Barack Obama was campaigning for president in 2008, he visited Colorado Springs and said he wanted to create a "Civilian National Security Force" as big and well-funded as the $650 billion-plus U.S. military, a mysterious campaign promise ignored by virtually the entire media except WND. Now Charlie Rangel is proposing that he have it.
Rangel, facing ethics charges in Congress, has proposed the Universal National Service Act that would require "all persons" from ages 18-42 "to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security." . . . .
Rangel plan gives prez 'civilian security force': Proposal provides mandatory induction for 'national defense,' 'homeland security'
When Barack Obama was campaigning for president in 2008, he visited Colorado Springs and said he wanted to create a "Civilian National Security Force" as big and well-funded as the $650 billion-plus U.S. military, a mysterious campaign promise ignored by virtually the entire media except WND. Now Charlie Rangel is proposing that he have it.
Rangel, facing ethics charges in Congress, has proposed the Universal National Service Act that would require "all persons" from ages 18-42 "to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security." . . . .
The great campaign of 2010
From: The Washington Post
The great campaign of 2010
In a radio interview that aired Monday on Univision, President Obama chided Latinos who "sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.' " Quite a uniter, urging Hispanics to go to the polls to exact political revenge on their enemies - presumably, for example, the near-60 percent of Americans who support the new Arizona immigration law.
This from a president who won't even use "enemies" to describe an Iranian regime that is helping kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. This from a man who rose to prominence thunderously declaring that we were not blue states or red states, not black America or white America or Latino America - but the United States of America. . . . . .
The great campaign of 2010
In a radio interview that aired Monday on Univision, President Obama chided Latinos who "sit out the election instead of saying, 'We're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.' " Quite a uniter, urging Hispanics to go to the polls to exact political revenge on their enemies - presumably, for example, the near-60 percent of Americans who support the new Arizona immigration law.
This from a president who won't even use "enemies" to describe an Iranian regime that is helping kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. This from a man who rose to prominence thunderously declaring that we were not blue states or red states, not black America or white America or Latino America - but the United States of America. . . . . .
Pelosi, Among Others, Could Exit if Dems Lose House
From: Time
Pelosi, Among Others, Could Exit if Dems Lose House
As Nancy Pelosi goes, so might a generation of her colleagues.
If Democrats lose control of the House of Representatives next week, as most political observers expect, there is a good chance that the House Speaker will opt to spend time with her eight grandchildren rather than toil in the relative obscurity of the minority. Even if she wanted to stay on, it's not at all clear that she would win the position of minority leader: seven Democratic incumbents and several candidates oppose her leadership — on Wednesday, North Carolina Representative Heath Shuler suggested he might challenge Pelosi for the spot — and another 20 have refused to say one way or another. Pelosi is more likely to leave gracefully, trading the red-eye slog for the pleasant commute between her San Francisco and Napa homes, and leaving the caucus in the hands of majority leader Steny Hoyer, who has been chafing in her shadow for decades. . . . . .
Pelosi, Among Others, Could Exit if Dems Lose House
As Nancy Pelosi goes, so might a generation of her colleagues.
If Democrats lose control of the House of Representatives next week, as most political observers expect, there is a good chance that the House Speaker will opt to spend time with her eight grandchildren rather than toil in the relative obscurity of the minority. Even if she wanted to stay on, it's not at all clear that she would win the position of minority leader: seven Democratic incumbents and several candidates oppose her leadership — on Wednesday, North Carolina Representative Heath Shuler suggested he might challenge Pelosi for the spot — and another 20 have refused to say one way or another. Pelosi is more likely to leave gracefully, trading the red-eye slog for the pleasant commute between her San Francisco and Napa homes, and leaving the caucus in the hands of majority leader Steny Hoyer, who has been chafing in her shadow for decades. . . . . .
Friday, October 29, 2010
Voter Fraud Alert: Fifteen Missouri Counties Have More Voters Than Population
From: Atlas Shrugs
Voter Fraud Alert: Fifteen Missouri Counties Have More Voters Than Population
This is egregious, illegal and contemptuous of the rule of law. If something is not done in this Democrat illegal coup on our republic, millions will march on Washington.
Demo-Coup Alert: They are Stealing the Election
Top Union Official Caught on Tape Discussing Voter Fraud
More States Report Rampant Vote Fraud TX, AZ, PA, IL, NJ, NY, NC
FLA City Commish Arrested Ballot Fraud
This is a call to action -- that means you and your loved ones:
Fifteen Missouri counties have more voters than census population Missouri Watchdog (hat tip Laura)
Missouri has about 90.3 percent of its census voting-age population registered to vote, but 15 counties show more registered voters than people 18 and older. . . .
Missouri counties with more than 100 percent voter registration (in red). . . . .
Voter Fraud Alert: Fifteen Missouri Counties Have More Voters Than Population
This is egregious, illegal and contemptuous of the rule of law. If something is not done in this Democrat illegal coup on our republic, millions will march on Washington.
Demo-Coup Alert: They are Stealing the Election
Top Union Official Caught on Tape Discussing Voter Fraud
More States Report Rampant Vote Fraud TX, AZ, PA, IL, NJ, NY, NC
FLA City Commish Arrested Ballot Fraud
This is a call to action -- that means you and your loved ones:
Fifteen Missouri counties have more voters than census population Missouri Watchdog (hat tip Laura)
Missouri has about 90.3 percent of its census voting-age population registered to vote, but 15 counties show more registered voters than people 18 and older. . . .
Missouri counties with more than 100 percent voter registration (in red). . . . .
Arizona Beheading Raises Fears of Drug Violence
From: Fox News
Arizona Beheading Raises Fears of Drug Violence
The gruesome case of a man who was stabbed and beheaded in a suburban Phoenix apartment has police investigating whether the killing is potentially the most extreme example of Mexican drug cartel violence spilling over the border.
Martin Alejandro Cota-Monroy's body was found Oct. 10 in a Chandler apartment -- his severed head a couple feet away. One man suspected in the killing has been arrested, and a manhunt is under way for three others.. . . .
Arizona Beheading Raises Fears of Drug Violence
The gruesome case of a man who was stabbed and beheaded in a suburban Phoenix apartment has police investigating whether the killing is potentially the most extreme example of Mexican drug cartel violence spilling over the border.
Martin Alejandro Cota-Monroy's body was found Oct. 10 in a Chandler apartment -- his severed head a couple feet away. One man suspected in the killing has been arrested, and a manhunt is under way for three others.. . . .
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Voting Machine in North Carolina Votes Democrat No Matter What…
From: Net Right Daily
Voting Machine in North Carolina Votes Democrat No Matter What…
If you are voting in Craven County, North Carolina, you might not have a choice who you will be voting for this year. Reports indicate that some machines will vote for the Democrats no matter what you do. Only after having an election official review the machine did the problem cease.
A Craven County voter says he had a near miss at the polls on Thursday when an electronic voting machine completed his straight-party ticket for the opposite of what he intended.
Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.
“They pushed it twice and the same thing happened,” Laughinghouse said. “That was four times in a row. The fifth time they pushed it and the Republicans came up and I voted.” . . .
Voting Machine in North Carolina Votes Democrat No Matter What…
If you are voting in Craven County, North Carolina, you might not have a choice who you will be voting for this year. Reports indicate that some machines will vote for the Democrats no matter what you do. Only after having an election official review the machine did the problem cease.
A Craven County voter says he had a near miss at the polls on Thursday when an electronic voting machine completed his straight-party ticket for the opposite of what he intended.
Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.
“They pushed it twice and the same thing happened,” Laughinghouse said. “That was four times in a row. The fifth time they pushed it and the Republicans came up and I voted.” . . .
Justice Elena Kagan's first vote is against an execution
From: LA Times
Justice Elena Kagan's first vote is against an execution
The newest member of the Supreme Court is in the minority in backing a stay of execution over questions about the safety of a drug to be used in a lethal injection. Shortly after the stay was overturned Tuesday, Arizona executed Jeffrey Landrigan.
Washington…Justice Elena Kagan cast her first recorded vote on the Supreme Court late Tuesday, joining the liberals in dissent when the high court cleared the way for the execution of an Arizona murderer.
The 5-4 ruling overturned orders by a federal judge in Phoenix and the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco that had stopped the execution by lethal injection of Jeffrey Landrigan. . . .
Justice Elena Kagan's first vote is against an execution
The newest member of the Supreme Court is in the minority in backing a stay of execution over questions about the safety of a drug to be used in a lethal injection. Shortly after the stay was overturned Tuesday, Arizona executed Jeffrey Landrigan.
Washington…Justice Elena Kagan cast her first recorded vote on the Supreme Court late Tuesday, joining the liberals in dissent when the high court cleared the way for the execution of an Arizona murderer.
The 5-4 ruling overturned orders by a federal judge in Phoenix and the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco that had stopped the execution by lethal injection of Jeffrey Landrigan. . . .
Black Republicans Demand Obama 'Bus' Apology
From: NewsMax
Black Republicans Demand Obama 'Bus' Apology
Black Republican leaders are demanding that President Barack Obama apologize for what they consider a racially insensitive remark that he made on the campaign trail this weekend.
During a campaign swing the president said, "We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for a ride, but they gotta sit in back."
Dr. Timothy F. Johnson, the black Republican who heads the Frederick Douglass Foundation, told Newsmax in an e-mail Wednesday that Obama should immediately apologize for the offensive reference to the Jim Crow era.
"Once again the president is perpetuating the racism that exists, and [is] portrayed by the so-called Civil Rights organizations and their leaders," Johnson stated. . . . .
Black Republicans Demand Obama 'Bus' Apology
Black Republican leaders are demanding that President Barack Obama apologize for what they consider a racially insensitive remark that he made on the campaign trail this weekend.
During a campaign swing the president said, "We don't mind the Republicans joining us. They can come for a ride, but they gotta sit in back."
Dr. Timothy F. Johnson, the black Republican who heads the Frederick Douglass Foundation, told Newsmax in an e-mail Wednesday that Obama should immediately apologize for the offensive reference to the Jim Crow era.
"Once again the president is perpetuating the racism that exists, and [is] portrayed by the so-called Civil Rights organizations and their leaders," Johnson stated. . . . .
Marxism in America
From: Morning Star
Marxism in America
6:00 video
Marxism in America
6:00 video
Canada's first Muslim mayor takes office in cowboy town
From: Monsters and Critters
Canada's first Muslim mayor takes office in cowboy town
Montreal - He's Muslim, dark-skinned and has a Harvard degree, but Calgary's newly elected mayor still packs a Stetson cowboy hat in his closet. After all, Naheed Nenshi was elected mayor of a city that prides itself on being the home of the Stampede, the world's largest rodeo show.
Nenshi's election in a city that desperately clings to its roots as a frontier outpost in the Canadian prairies, even as waves of immigration and oil wealth have transformed it into a modern cosmopolitan metropolis, made front page news across Canada . . . .
Canada's first Muslim mayor takes office in cowboy town
Montreal - He's Muslim, dark-skinned and has a Harvard degree, but Calgary's newly elected mayor still packs a Stetson cowboy hat in his closet. After all, Naheed Nenshi was elected mayor of a city that prides itself on being the home of the Stampede, the world's largest rodeo show.
Nenshi's election in a city that desperately clings to its roots as a frontier outpost in the Canadian prairies, even as waves of immigration and oil wealth have transformed it into a modern cosmopolitan metropolis, made front page news across Canada . . . .
Nevada voting machines automatically checking Harry Reid's name; voting machine technicians are SEIU members
From: The Washington Examiner
Nevada voting machines automatically checking Harry Reid's name; voting machine technicians are SEIU members
Clark County is where three quarters of Nevada's residents and live and where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's son Rory is a county commissioner. Rory is also a Democratic candidate for governor.
Since early voting started, there have been credible reports that voting machines in Clark County, Nevada are automatically checking Harry Reid's name on the ballot:
Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked.
Ferrara said she wasn't alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen.
"Something's not right," Ferrara said. "One person that's a fluke. Two, that's strange. But several within a five minute period of time -- that's wrong."
Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said there is no voter fraud, although the issues do come up because the touch-screens are sensitive. For that reason, a person may not want to have their fingers linger too long on the screen after they make a selection at any time. . . . .
Nevada voting machines automatically checking Harry Reid's name; voting machine technicians are SEIU members
Clark County is where three quarters of Nevada's residents and live and where Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's son Rory is a county commissioner. Rory is also a Democratic candidate for governor.
Since early voting started, there have been credible reports that voting machines in Clark County, Nevada are automatically checking Harry Reid's name on the ballot:
Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked.
Ferrara said she wasn't alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen.
"Something's not right," Ferrara said. "One person that's a fluke. Two, that's strange. But several within a five minute period of time -- that's wrong."
Clark County Registrar of Voters Larry Lomax said there is no voter fraud, although the issues do come up because the touch-screens are sensitive. For that reason, a person may not want to have their fingers linger too long on the screen after they make a selection at any time. . . . .
Exclusive: Democrats Ask Pentagon for Info on Potential Obama Challengers
From: ABC News
Exclusive: Democrats Ask Pentagon for Info on Potential Obama Challengers
3:55 video
The Democratic National Committee formally has asked the Pentagon for reams of correspondence between military agencies and nine potential Republican presidential candidates, a clear indication that Democrats are building opposition-research files on specific 2012 contenders even before the midterm elections.
An internal Army e-mail obtained by ABC News indicates that the DNC has filed Freedom of Information Act requests for "any and all records of communication" between Army departments and agencies and each of the nine Republicans -- all of whom are widely mentioned as possible challengers to President Obama.
The agencies are asked to respond to the request by this Friday, just four days before Election Day . . . .
Exclusive: Democrats Ask Pentagon for Info on Potential Obama Challengers
3:55 video
The Democratic National Committee formally has asked the Pentagon for reams of correspondence between military agencies and nine potential Republican presidential candidates, a clear indication that Democrats are building opposition-research files on specific 2012 contenders even before the midterm elections.
An internal Army e-mail obtained by ABC News indicates that the DNC has filed Freedom of Information Act requests for "any and all records of communication" between Army departments and agencies and each of the nine Republicans -- all of whom are widely mentioned as possible challengers to President Obama.
The agencies are asked to respond to the request by this Friday, just four days before Election Day . . . .
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
One percent transaction tax is proposed - HR 4646
Editor's Note: The following was sent in by a reader:
Hey, it's only a 1% tax (coming AND going). $1000 SS deposit. $10 gone Make the $200 car payment. $2 gone. Rent payment of $300 $3 gone. Master Card pmt of $150. $1.50 gone. Visa card pmt $200. Another $2 gone. No new taxes! My Ass!!!
H. R. 4646
I have gone into THOMAS (Library of Congress) and printed out and read all 15 pages of this bill which has been given the "Short Title" of "Debt Free America Act.." It is the most socialistic thing I have ever read. Just think, if you deposit $5,000.00 into your checking account or savings account the bank has to take out 1% or $50.00 of that money and send it to Washington . Then, any checks or cash you take out of your bank they will deduct 1% from what is still in the bank and send it to Washington . Total put in the Bank $5,000.00. $100.00 of that you give to Washington .
This bill, spells it out that everyone will pay the Government 1% of their gross income.
Page 9 states the House and Senate shall convene not later than November 23, 2010 and Page 11 states the vote on passage shall occur not later than December 23, 2010.
If you don't know who your Congressman or Senator is, go to Google, type in "(your state) Congressman email address". When it comes up, click on "Complete E-mail address for Congress/House, Senate, Governors and get both e-mail and FAX info.
The bill is HR-4646 introduced by US Rep Peter DeFazio D-Oregon and US Senator Tom Harkin D-Iowa. It is now in committee and will probably not be brought out until after the Nov. elections. Suggest that you pass this along and also to your state senator and representative and US Congressman and Senators.
One percent transaction tax is proposed
President Obama's finance team is recommending a transaction tax. His plan is to sneak it in after the November election to keep it under the radar This is a 1% tax on all transactions at any financial institution i. e. Banks, Credit Unions, etc.. Any deposit you make, or move around within your account, i. e. transfer to, will have a 1% tax charged. If your pay check or your social Security or whatever is direct deposit, 1% tax charged. If you hand carry a check in to deposit, 1% tax charged, If you take cash in to deposit, 1% tax charged. This is from the man who promised that if you make under $250,000 per year, you will not see one penny of new tax. Keep your eyes and ears open, you will be amazed at what you learn.
Some will say aw it's just 1%... remember once the tax is there they can raise it at will.
Hey, it's only a 1% tax (coming AND going). $1000 SS deposit. $10 gone Make the $200 car payment. $2 gone. Rent payment of $300 $3 gone. Master Card pmt of $150. $1.50 gone. Visa card pmt $200. Another $2 gone. No new taxes! My Ass!!!
H. R. 4646
I have gone into THOMAS (Library of Congress) and printed out and read all 15 pages of this bill which has been given the "Short Title" of "Debt Free America Act.." It is the most socialistic thing I have ever read. Just think, if you deposit $5,000.00 into your checking account or savings account the bank has to take out 1% or $50.00 of that money and send it to Washington . Then, any checks or cash you take out of your bank they will deduct 1% from what is still in the bank and send it to Washington . Total put in the Bank $5,000.00. $100.00 of that you give to Washington .
This bill, spells it out that everyone will pay the Government 1% of their gross income.
Page 9 states the House and Senate shall convene not later than November 23, 2010 and Page 11 states the vote on passage shall occur not later than December 23, 2010.
If you don't know who your Congressman or Senator is, go to Google, type in "(your state) Congressman email address". When it comes up, click on "Complete E-mail address for Congress/House, Senate, Governors and get both e-mail and FAX info.
The bill is HR-4646 introduced by US Rep Peter DeFazio D-Oregon and US Senator Tom Harkin D-Iowa. It is now in committee and will probably not be brought out until after the Nov. elections. Suggest that you pass this along and also to your state senator and representative and US Congressman and Senators.
One percent transaction tax is proposed
President Obama's finance team is recommending a transaction tax. His plan is to sneak it in after the November election to keep it under the radar This is a 1% tax on all transactions at any financial institution i. e. Banks, Credit Unions, etc.. Any deposit you make, or move around within your account, i. e. transfer to, will have a 1% tax charged. If your pay check or your social Security or whatever is direct deposit, 1% tax charged. If you hand carry a check in to deposit, 1% tax charged, If you take cash in to deposit, 1% tax charged. This is from the man who promised that if you make under $250,000 per year, you will not see one penny of new tax. Keep your eyes and ears open, you will be amazed at what you learn.
Some will say aw it's just 1%... remember once the tax is there they can raise it at will.
New Video Spoofs Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer’s Infamous “Call Me Senator” Moment – Video
From: Freedom's Light House
New Video Spoofs Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer’s Infamous “Call Me Senator” Moment – Video
2:13 video
Here is an outstanding and hilarious new video that spoofs California Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer’s “Call Me Senator” moment with a U.S. General. The General addressed Boxer as “Ma’am,” which is completely respectful and in accord with military protocol. But Boxer told him she wanted to be called “Senator” because, “I worked so hard for that title.”
This video absolutely skewers Boxer for her egotistical moment that will live in infamy.
New Video Spoofs Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer’s Infamous “Call Me Senator” Moment – Video
2:13 video
Here is an outstanding and hilarious new video that spoofs California Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer’s “Call Me Senator” moment with a U.S. General. The General addressed Boxer as “Ma’am,” which is completely respectful and in accord with military protocol. But Boxer told him she wanted to be called “Senator” because, “I worked so hard for that title.”
This video absolutely skewers Boxer for her egotistical moment that will live in infamy.
The Threat of Non-Citizen Voting
From: The Heritage Foundation
The Threat of Non-Citizen Voting
In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens.[1] While that may not seem like many, just 3 percent of registered voters would have been more than enough to provide the winning presidential vote margin in Florida in 2000. Indeed, the Census Bureau estimates that there are over a million illegal aliens in Florida,[2] and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has prosecuted more non-citizen voting cases in Florida than in any other state.[3]
Florida is not unique. Thousands of non-citizens are registered to vote in some states, and tens if not hundreds of thousands in total may be present on the voter rolls nationwide. These numbers are significant: Local elections are often decided by only a handful of votes, and even national elections have likely been within the margin of the number of non-citizens illegally registered to vote. . . . .
The Threat of Non-Citizen Voting
In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens.[1] While that may not seem like many, just 3 percent of registered voters would have been more than enough to provide the winning presidential vote margin in Florida in 2000. Indeed, the Census Bureau estimates that there are over a million illegal aliens in Florida,[2] and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has prosecuted more non-citizen voting cases in Florida than in any other state.[3]
Florida is not unique. Thousands of non-citizens are registered to vote in some states, and tens if not hundreds of thousands in total may be present on the voter rolls nationwide. These numbers are significant: Local elections are often decided by only a handful of votes, and even national elections have likely been within the margin of the number of non-citizens illegally registered to vote. . . . .
Soros group launches attack on poll watchers
From: World Net Daily
Soros group launches attack on poll watchers: Jackson Lee accused of threatening observers with Justice investigation
A George Soros-funded organization, aided by Texas U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat, apparently is trying to chase volunteer observers from precinct polling locations across Harris County, Texas, after the watchers found election judges and clerks allegedly voting for citizens who were undecided.
"Only a week into early voting, volunteer poll-watchers also are being verbally and physically harassed by people loitering at the polls with no intention to vote at the time, including a man identified as a reverend and Houston Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who was seen inside the polling location electioneering and threatening to turn a poll-watcher's name to the Department of Justice for voter intimidation," said a statement from Liberty Institute. . . . .
Soros group launches attack on poll watchers: Jackson Lee accused of threatening observers with Justice investigation
A George Soros-funded organization, aided by Texas U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Democrat, apparently is trying to chase volunteer observers from precinct polling locations across Harris County, Texas, after the watchers found election judges and clerks allegedly voting for citizens who were undecided.
"Only a week into early voting, volunteer poll-watchers also are being verbally and physically harassed by people loitering at the polls with no intention to vote at the time, including a man identified as a reverend and Houston Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, who was seen inside the polling location electioneering and threatening to turn a poll-watcher's name to the Department of Justice for voter intimidation," said a statement from Liberty Institute. . . . .
Democrats killing our liberty; Massive voter fraud reported in 8 states(Video)
From: Red, White, and Blue
Democrats killing our liberty; Massive voter fraud reported in 8 states(Video)
6:01 video
RWB News: We understand why Democrats feel they need to CHEAT, but our question is: Why is nothing happening to them when they get caught? These should be news stories that run nonstop at least at the state level until people are behind bars. Americans should be outraged when we see these groups tampering with our sacred electoral process, and we don’t even get an investigation. Pure In-Your-Face Corruption.
I know the Liberals will say “But this is Fox News.” Prove them wrong. Please!
Democrats killing our liberty; Massive voter fraud reported in 8 states(Video)
6:01 video
RWB News: We understand why Democrats feel they need to CHEAT, but our question is: Why is nothing happening to them when they get caught? These should be news stories that run nonstop at least at the state level until people are behind bars. Americans should be outraged when we see these groups tampering with our sacred electoral process, and we don’t even get an investigation. Pure In-Your-Face Corruption.
I know the Liberals will say “But this is Fox News.” Prove them wrong. Please!
“Will The Federal Reserve Cause The Next Civil War?” Time Magazine
From: Noisy Room
“Will The Federal Reserve Cause The Next Civil War?” Time Magazine
5:13 video
“Will The Federal Reserve Cause The Next Civil War?” Time Magazine
5:13 video
Obama assails GOP on clouded final campaign push
From: Yahoo News / AP
Obama assails GOP on clouded final campaign push
President Barack Obama attacked Republicans with gusto Monday as he plunged into a final week of midterm election campaigning, but his party's prognosis remained darkened by the feeble economy and his itinerary was designed largely to minimize losses.
Nor was his greeting totally friendly in Rhode Island where Obama has pointedly declined to endorse his party's candidate for governor.
Obama can "take his endorsement and shove it," declared Democrat Frank Caprio, battling Republican-turned-independent Lincoln Chafee in a gubernatorial race rated tight in the polls. Chafee endorsed Obama during the 2008 campaign for the White House. . . . .
Obama assails GOP on clouded final campaign push
President Barack Obama attacked Republicans with gusto Monday as he plunged into a final week of midterm election campaigning, but his party's prognosis remained darkened by the feeble economy and his itinerary was designed largely to minimize losses.
Nor was his greeting totally friendly in Rhode Island where Obama has pointedly declined to endorse his party's candidate for governor.
Obama can "take his endorsement and shove it," declared Democrat Frank Caprio, battling Republican-turned-independent Lincoln Chafee in a gubernatorial race rated tight in the polls. Chafee endorsed Obama during the 2008 campaign for the White House. . . . .
Angle campaign attorney: Reid “intends to steal this election if he can’t win it outright”
From: Las Vegas Sun
Angle campaign attorney: Reid “intends to steal this election if he can’t win it outright”
So says Cleta Mitchell, the same woman who tried to get Scott Ashjian, the Tea Party of Nevada candidate out of the race, in an astonishing fundraising letter:
As Sharron Angle's campaign attorney, I am sorry to report that the Democrats and their cronies are up to their same old tricks, of trying to manipulate the election in hopes of skewing the results in their favor.
Two days ago, the Democratic Secretary of State announced that voters can be provided "free food" at "voter turnout events." Harry Reid has been offering free food and, according to other reports, some Democratic allies such as teachers' unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid.
Before we were even able to document the reported infractions to report to the authorities, the Democrat Secretary of State slammed the door shut on preventing this behavior and issued a public statement permitting these ACORN-style tactics. THESE are the kinds of shenanigans that can turn this race. . . .
Angle campaign attorney: Reid “intends to steal this election if he can’t win it outright”
So says Cleta Mitchell, the same woman who tried to get Scott Ashjian, the Tea Party of Nevada candidate out of the race, in an astonishing fundraising letter:
As Sharron Angle's campaign attorney, I am sorry to report that the Democrats and their cronies are up to their same old tricks, of trying to manipulate the election in hopes of skewing the results in their favor.
Two days ago, the Democratic Secretary of State announced that voters can be provided "free food" at "voter turnout events." Harry Reid has been offering free food and, according to other reports, some Democratic allies such as teachers' unions are offering gift cards in return for a vote for Reid.
Before we were even able to document the reported infractions to report to the authorities, the Democrat Secretary of State slammed the door shut on preventing this behavior and issued a public statement permitting these ACORN-style tactics. THESE are the kinds of shenanigans that can turn this race. . . .
Joy Behar On Sharron Angle: “She’s Going To Hell, This Bitch!”
From: Mediaite
Joy Behar On Sharron Angle: “She’s Going To Hell, This Bitch!”
The ladies of The View were up in arms today over Sharron Angle’s campaign ad depicting a group of threatening Latinos menacing some white students. It is the same ad Rachel Maddow called “most overtly racist ad of this campaign season” on Meet the Press this weekend. Said Joy Behar:
I’d like to see her do this ad in the South Bronx. Come here bitch, come to New York! I’m not praying for her! She’s going to hell! She’s going to hell, this bitch!. . . . .
Joy Behar On Sharron Angle: “She’s Going To Hell, This Bitch!”
The ladies of The View were up in arms today over Sharron Angle’s campaign ad depicting a group of threatening Latinos menacing some white students. It is the same ad Rachel Maddow called “most overtly racist ad of this campaign season” on Meet the Press this weekend. Said Joy Behar:
I’d like to see her do this ad in the South Bronx. Come here bitch, come to New York! I’m not praying for her! She’s going to hell! She’s going to hell, this bitch!. . . . .
Nevada Voters Complain Of Problems At Polls
From: Fox 5 News Las Vegas
Nevada Voters Complain Of Problems At Polls: Clark County Insists Election Fraud-Free
Some voters in Boulder City complained on Monday that their ballot had been cast before they went to the polls, raising questions about Clark County's electronic voting machines.
Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked.
Ferrara said she wasn't alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen. . . .
Nevada Voters Complain Of Problems At Polls: Clark County Insists Election Fraud-Free
Some voters in Boulder City complained on Monday that their ballot had been cast before they went to the polls, raising questions about Clark County's electronic voting machines.
Voter Joyce Ferrara said when they went to vote for Republican Sharron Angle, her Democratic opponent, Sen. Harry Reid's name was already checked.
Ferrara said she wasn't alone in her voting experience. She said her husband and several others voting at the same time all had the same thing happen. . . .
From: Resist Net / 11:58 video
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
2010: Democrats Set Records for Dirtiest Election Ever
From: News Max
2010: Democrats Set Records for Dirtiest Election Ever
"Everything you are seeing on TV is a shameful lie."
That statement didn't come from an ad-weary voter, but it certainly could have.
It's actually a quote from GOP state Sen. Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina.
The reason for Mulvaney's disgust? Democrats recently aired an ad showing police booking an elderly woman into jail, as a narrator warns seniors that Mulvaney may take away their Social Security.
Mulvaney, running for Congress against Democratic Rep. John Spratt, called the 30-second spot "one of the most offensive and frightening ads I think I've ever seen."
As bad as it is, that ad may not even be the worst of this season's dirty campaign advertising tricks.
Just ask Ben Kalasho, who's running for city council in Santee, Calif., northeast of San Diego. One morning he got a call from a voter asking why he was putting up campaign posters in Arabic. . . . .
2010: Democrats Set Records for Dirtiest Election Ever
"Everything you are seeing on TV is a shameful lie."
That statement didn't come from an ad-weary voter, but it certainly could have.
It's actually a quote from GOP state Sen. Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina.
The reason for Mulvaney's disgust? Democrats recently aired an ad showing police booking an elderly woman into jail, as a narrator warns seniors that Mulvaney may take away their Social Security.
Mulvaney, running for Congress against Democratic Rep. John Spratt, called the 30-second spot "one of the most offensive and frightening ads I think I've ever seen."
As bad as it is, that ad may not even be the worst of this season's dirty campaign advertising tricks.
Just ask Ben Kalasho, who's running for city council in Santee, Calif., northeast of San Diego. One morning he got a call from a voter asking why he was putting up campaign posters in Arabic. . . . .
George Soros Says He Feels No Remorse For Collaborating With Nazis During WWII to Send His Fellow Jews to the Death Camps, Steal Their Property
From: Before It's News
George Soros Says He Feels No Remorse For Collaborating With Nazis During WWII to Send His Fellow Jews to the Death Camps, Steal Their Property
Billionaire left-wing extremist George Soros betrayed the Jews, worked with the Nazis... has no regrets
George Soros is very, very rich, and he’s also a soulless sociopath, an inhumane left-wing extremist who collaborated with the Nazis in his youth.
But that’s just my take on the man. Based exclusively on his own words.
Be prepared to be hit with revulsion. Soros betrayed other Jews and helped steal their property and send them to their tragic deaths to spare himself.
And he doesn’t feel any guilt about it. None.
This is the face of pure evil… and with whom the Democrat party has aligned itself. . . . .
George Soros Says He Feels No Remorse For Collaborating With Nazis During WWII to Send His Fellow Jews to the Death Camps, Steal Their Property
Billionaire left-wing extremist George Soros betrayed the Jews, worked with the Nazis... has no regrets
George Soros is very, very rich, and he’s also a soulless sociopath, an inhumane left-wing extremist who collaborated with the Nazis in his youth.
But that’s just my take on the man. Based exclusively on his own words.
Be prepared to be hit with revulsion. Soros betrayed other Jews and helped steal their property and send them to their tragic deaths to spare himself.
And he doesn’t feel any guilt about it. None.
This is the face of pure evil… and with whom the Democrat party has aligned itself. . . . .
Voter reports problem with ballot machine
From: Sun Journal
Voter reports problem with ballot machine
A Craven County voter says he had a near miss at the polls on Thursday when an electronic voting machine completed his straight-party ticket for the opposite of what he intended.
Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.
“They pushed it twice and the same thing happened,” Laughinghouse said. “That was four times in a row. The fifth time they pushed it and the Republicans came up and I voted.”
M. Ray Wood, Craven County Board of elections chairman, issued a written statement saying that the elections board is aware of isolated issues and that in each case the voter was able to cast his or her ballot as desired. . . . .
Voter reports problem with ballot machine
A Craven County voter says he had a near miss at the polls on Thursday when an electronic voting machine completed his straight-party ticket for the opposite of what he intended.
Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.
“They pushed it twice and the same thing happened,” Laughinghouse said. “That was four times in a row. The fifth time they pushed it and the Republicans came up and I voted.”
M. Ray Wood, Craven County Board of elections chairman, issued a written statement saying that the elections board is aware of isolated issues and that in each case the voter was able to cast his or her ballot as desired. . . . .
Want to Stop Voter Fraud? There’s an App for That!
From: Big Government
Want to Stop Voter Fraud? There’s an App for That!
Brought to you by ElectionJournal.org, the website that broke the Black Panther intimidation story in 2008. iReport is the first iPhone application dedicated to reporting voter fraud, intimidation and other election irregularities.
The app is available for free and allows you to join EJ’s nationwide network of citizens dedicated to raising public awareness of election fraud. With iReport you can send information, along with photos and video, directly from your polling location with your iPhone.
The best way to stop fraud is expose it. Download the app and join the team.
Want to Stop Voter Fraud? There’s an App for That!
Brought to you by ElectionJournal.org, the website that broke the Black Panther intimidation story in 2008. iReport is the first iPhone application dedicated to reporting voter fraud, intimidation and other election irregularities.
The app is available for free and allows you to join EJ’s nationwide network of citizens dedicated to raising public awareness of election fraud. With iReport you can send information, along with photos and video, directly from your polling location with your iPhone.
The best way to stop fraud is expose it. Download the app and join the team.
Voting Guide Web Site
Here is a really good voting guide web site for all candidates across the country. Check it out!
"Vote Smart" web site: http://www.votesmart.org/voteeasy/
"Vote Smart" web site: http://www.votesmart.org/voteeasy/
EXCLUSIVE: Aide to Harry Reid Lied to Feds, Submitted False Documents About Sham Marriage
From: Fox News
EXCLUSIVE: Aide to Harry Reid Lied to Feds, Submitted False Documents About Sham Marriage
An aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid repeatedly lied to federal immigration and FBI agents and submitted false federal documents to the Department of Homeland Security to cover up her illegal seven-year marriage to a Lebanese national who was the subject of an Oklahoma City Joint Terror Task Force investigation, FoxNews.com has learned.
Diana Tejada, Reid’s Hispanic Press Secretary, admitted to receiving payment for “some of her expenses” in exchange for fraudulently marrying Bassam Mahmoud Tarhini in 2003, strictly so he could obtain permanent U.S. residency, according to court documents.
Tarhini, now 37, was held in jail and at an immigration detention center in connection with his 2009 indictment on felony charges, documents show. He pleaded guilty to entering a fraudulent marriage to evade immigration laws — a Class D felony — in November 2009, and he was deported in March 2010. . . . .
EXCLUSIVE: Aide to Harry Reid Lied to Feds, Submitted False Documents About Sham Marriage
An aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid repeatedly lied to federal immigration and FBI agents and submitted false federal documents to the Department of Homeland Security to cover up her illegal seven-year marriage to a Lebanese national who was the subject of an Oklahoma City Joint Terror Task Force investigation, FoxNews.com has learned.
Diana Tejada, Reid’s Hispanic Press Secretary, admitted to receiving payment for “some of her expenses” in exchange for fraudulently marrying Bassam Mahmoud Tarhini in 2003, strictly so he could obtain permanent U.S. residency, according to court documents.
Tarhini, now 37, was held in jail and at an immigration detention center in connection with his 2009 indictment on felony charges, documents show. He pleaded guilty to entering a fraudulent marriage to evade immigration laws — a Class D felony — in November 2009, and he was deported in March 2010. . . . .
Liberal Hate Site
This is from a Face Book friend: "Talk about your hate websites--this is it. Progressives have apparently paid computer nerds to search through everyone's fb pages & if they deem them 'evil' enough they post YOUR WORDS with YOUR FULL NAME on their site. I've skimmed through some of the pages & found many of my fb friends' postings, some filed under 'bigots', 'fear' ...or other ugly names. Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up. These are some scary people, like nothing I've ever seen in my life.
The site is called "Estate 44" and can be found here:
The site is called "Estate 44" and can be found here:
Monday, October 25, 2010
New Dept. of Homeland Security Advisor is an Islamist
From: Big Government
New Dept. of Homeland Security Advisor is an Islamist
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s appointment of “de-radicalization” expert Mohamed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Council earlier this month has thus far drawn little attention from Congress or the media, despite his record of criticizing successful terrorism prosecutions and praising Islamist ideologue Sayyid Qutb.
Elibiary recommended the writings of Qutb, who is credited with inspiring the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups like al Qaida and Hamas, as offering “the potential for a strong spiritual rebirth that’s truly ecumenical allowing all faiths practiced in America to enrich us and motivate us to serve God better by serving our fellow man more.”
Elibiary also criticized the indictment and subsequent convictions of the Holy Land Foundation and five former officials for providing more than $12 million to Hamas, depicting the case as a defeat for the United States. He suggested that the convictions were part of a U.S. government policy of “denying our civil liberties and privacy at home” while pursuing anti-terror policies that have “left thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed, trillions of taxpayer dollars squandered and our homeland more vulnerable than ever.” . . . . . .
New Dept. of Homeland Security Advisor is an Islamist
DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano’s appointment of “de-radicalization” expert Mohamed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Council earlier this month has thus far drawn little attention from Congress or the media, despite his record of criticizing successful terrorism prosecutions and praising Islamist ideologue Sayyid Qutb.
Elibiary recommended the writings of Qutb, who is credited with inspiring the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups like al Qaida and Hamas, as offering “the potential for a strong spiritual rebirth that’s truly ecumenical allowing all faiths practiced in America to enrich us and motivate us to serve God better by serving our fellow man more.”
Elibiary also criticized the indictment and subsequent convictions of the Holy Land Foundation and five former officials for providing more than $12 million to Hamas, depicting the case as a defeat for the United States. He suggested that the convictions were part of a U.S. government policy of “denying our civil liberties and privacy at home” while pursuing anti-terror policies that have “left thousands of Americans dead, tens of thousands maimed, trillions of taxpayer dollars squandered and our homeland more vulnerable than ever.” . . . . . .
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Obama Supporters Launch Misleading Facebook App Which Steals Your Info
From: Now the End Begins
Obama Supporters Launch Misleading Facebook App Which Steals Your Info
Commit fraud. Obama's lust for power has lead his team to create a Facebook app which data mines your page and steals as much sensitive information as it can. As you can see from the photo below, it attempts to convince you to give up everything about you, which is then fed into the Team Obama database, and WILL be used against you at some future point. . . .
Obama Supporters Launch Misleading Facebook App Which Steals Your Info
Commit fraud. Obama's lust for power has lead his team to create a Facebook app which data mines your page and steals as much sensitive information as it can. As you can see from the photo below, it attempts to convince you to give up everything about you, which is then fed into the Team Obama database, and WILL be used against you at some future point. . . .
The Truth About Progressive Auto Insurance
This is true…check snopes link: http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/peterlewis.asp
Just remember next time you are looking for auto insurance…
I know everyone has seen and laughed at this commercial, to steal a line from Paul Harvey, "Now for the rest of the story!"
Read below
This is a heads up regarding Progressive Auto Insurance. You know who they are. They’re the ones with the clever television ads featuring the perky brunette actress all dressed in white.
What you might not know is that the Chairman of Progressive is Peter Lewis, one of the major funders of leftist causes in America.
Between 2001 and 2003, Lewis funneled $15 million to the ACLU, the group most responsible for destroying what’s left of America s Judeo-Christian heritage.
Lewis also gave $12.5 million to MoveOn.org and American Coming Together, two key propaganda arms of the socialist left.
His funding for these groups was conditional on matching contributions from George Soros, the America-hating socialist who is the chief financier of the Obama political machine.
Lewis made a fortune as a result of capitalism, but now finances a progressive movement that threatens to destroy the American free enterprise system is targeting television shows on Fox News.
Peter Lewis is making a fortune off of conservative Americans so that he can help dismantle the very system that made him wealthy. He’s banking on no one finding out who he is.
Please boycott Progressive Insurance.
Verify at Snopes http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/peterlewis.asp
Just remember next time you are looking for auto insurance…
I know everyone has seen and laughed at this commercial, to steal a line from Paul Harvey, "Now for the rest of the story!"
Read below
This is a heads up regarding Progressive Auto Insurance. You know who they are. They’re the ones with the clever television ads featuring the perky brunette actress all dressed in white.
What you might not know is that the Chairman of Progressive is Peter Lewis, one of the major funders of leftist causes in America.
Between 2001 and 2003, Lewis funneled $15 million to the ACLU, the group most responsible for destroying what’s left of America s Judeo-Christian heritage.
Lewis also gave $12.5 million to MoveOn.org and American Coming Together, two key propaganda arms of the socialist left.
His funding for these groups was conditional on matching contributions from George Soros, the America-hating socialist who is the chief financier of the Obama political machine.
Lewis made a fortune as a result of capitalism, but now finances a progressive movement that threatens to destroy the American free enterprise system is targeting television shows on Fox News.
Peter Lewis is making a fortune off of conservative Americans so that he can help dismantle the very system that made him wealthy. He’s banking on no one finding out who he is.
Please boycott Progressive Insurance.
Verify at Snopes http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/peterlewis.asp
Open Letter to Barbara Boxer
This is absolutely true according to Snopes ( http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/boxer.asp )
Remember to fly Alaska Airlines
Do you remember the scene? The Senate Barbara Boxer hearing from a Brigadier General? Silly General! He addresses Barbara as "Ma'm", and she CORRECTS him, telling him she's "worked SO hard to earn the title "Senator" so please to use that when speaking to her.
Get a load of this letter sent to Sen. Barbara Boxer from an Alaskan Airlines Pilot below. Many of us witnessed the arrogance of Barbara Boxer on June 18, 2009, as she admonished Brigadier General Michael Walsh because he addressed her as "ma'am" and not "Senator" before a Senate hearing.
This letter is from a National Guard Aviator and Captain for Alaska Airlines named Jim Hill. I wonder what he would have said if he were really angry. Long fly Alaska !!!!!
You were so right on when you scolded the General on TV for using the term, "ma'am," instead of "Senator". After all, in the military, "ma'am" is a term of respect when addressing a female of superior rank or position. The General was totally wrong. You are not a person of superior rank or position. You are a member of one of the world's most corrupt organizations, the U.S. Senate, equaled only by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Congress is a cesspool of liars, thieves, inside traders, traitors, drunks (one who killed a staffer, yet is still revered), criminals and other low level swine who, as individuals (not all, but many), will do anything to enhance their lives, fortunes and power, all at the expense of the People of the United States and its Constitution, in order to be continually re-elected. Many Democrats even want American troops killed by releasing photographs. How many of you could honestly say, "We pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor"? None? One? Two?
Your reaction to the General shows several things. First, is your abysmal ignorance of all things military. Your treatment of the General shows you to be an elitist of the worst kind. When the General entered the military (as most of us who served), he wrote the Government a blank check, offering his life to protect your derriere, now safely and comfortably ensconced in a 20 thousand dollar leather chair, paid for by the General's taxes. You repaid him for this by humiliating him in front of millions.
Second, is your puerile character, lack of sophistication and arrogance, which borders on the hubristic. This display of brattish behavior shows you to be a virago, termagant, harridan, nag, scold or shrew, unfit for your position, regardless of the support of the unwashed, uneducated masses who have made California into the laughing stock of the nation.
What I am writing are the same thoughts countless millions of Americans have toward Congress but who lack the energy, ability or time to convey them. Regardless of their thoughts, most realize that politicians are pretty much the same, and will vote for the one who will bring home the most bacon, even if they do consider how corrupt that person is. Lord Acton (1834 - 1902) so aptly charged, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Unbeknownst to you and your colleagues, "Mr. Power" has had his way with all of you, and we are all the worse for it.
Finally Senator, I, too, have a title. It is "Right Wing Extremist Potential Terrorist Threat." It is not of my choosing, but was given to me by your Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano. And you were offended by "ma'am"?
Have a fine day. Cheers!
Jim Hill
16808 - 103rd Avenue Court East
South Hill , WA 98374
If you care about the way our Country is heading, please circulate this to remind every voter that the "cesspools" MUST be pumped out when we go to the polls in November, 2010.
Remember to fly Alaska Airlines
Do you remember the scene? The Senate Barbara Boxer hearing from a Brigadier General? Silly General! He addresses Barbara as "Ma'm", and she CORRECTS him, telling him she's "worked SO hard to earn the title "Senator" so please to use that when speaking to her.
Get a load of this letter sent to Sen. Barbara Boxer from an Alaskan Airlines Pilot below. Many of us witnessed the arrogance of Barbara Boxer on June 18, 2009, as she admonished Brigadier General Michael Walsh because he addressed her as "ma'am" and not "Senator" before a Senate hearing.
This letter is from a National Guard Aviator and Captain for Alaska Airlines named Jim Hill. I wonder what he would have said if he were really angry. Long fly Alaska !!!!!
You were so right on when you scolded the General on TV for using the term, "ma'am," instead of "Senator". After all, in the military, "ma'am" is a term of respect when addressing a female of superior rank or position. The General was totally wrong. You are not a person of superior rank or position. You are a member of one of the world's most corrupt organizations, the U.S. Senate, equaled only by the U.S. House of Representatives.
Congress is a cesspool of liars, thieves, inside traders, traitors, drunks (one who killed a staffer, yet is still revered), criminals and other low level swine who, as individuals (not all, but many), will do anything to enhance their lives, fortunes and power, all at the expense of the People of the United States and its Constitution, in order to be continually re-elected. Many Democrats even want American troops killed by releasing photographs. How many of you could honestly say, "We pledge our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor"? None? One? Two?
Your reaction to the General shows several things. First, is your abysmal ignorance of all things military. Your treatment of the General shows you to be an elitist of the worst kind. When the General entered the military (as most of us who served), he wrote the Government a blank check, offering his life to protect your derriere, now safely and comfortably ensconced in a 20 thousand dollar leather chair, paid for by the General's taxes. You repaid him for this by humiliating him in front of millions.
Second, is your puerile character, lack of sophistication and arrogance, which borders on the hubristic. This display of brattish behavior shows you to be a virago, termagant, harridan, nag, scold or shrew, unfit for your position, regardless of the support of the unwashed, uneducated masses who have made California into the laughing stock of the nation.
What I am writing are the same thoughts countless millions of Americans have toward Congress but who lack the energy, ability or time to convey them. Regardless of their thoughts, most realize that politicians are pretty much the same, and will vote for the one who will bring home the most bacon, even if they do consider how corrupt that person is. Lord Acton (1834 - 1902) so aptly charged, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Unbeknownst to you and your colleagues, "Mr. Power" has had his way with all of you, and we are all the worse for it.
Finally Senator, I, too, have a title. It is "Right Wing Extremist Potential Terrorist Threat." It is not of my choosing, but was given to me by your Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano. And you were offended by "ma'am"?
Have a fine day. Cheers!
Jim Hill
16808 - 103rd Avenue Court East
South Hill , WA 98374
If you care about the way our Country is heading, please circulate this to remind every voter that the "cesspools" MUST be pumped out when we go to the polls in November, 2010.
Campaign's Big Spender
From: Wall Street Journal
Campaign's Big Spender: Public-Employees Union Now Leads All Groups in Independent Election Outlays
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is now the biggest outside spender of the 2010 elections, thanks to an 11th-hour effort to boost Democrats that has vaulted the public-sector union ahead of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AFL-CIO and a flock of new Republican groups in campaign spending.
The 1.6 million-member AFSCME is spending a total of $87.5 million on the elections after tapping into a $16 million emergency account to help fortify the Democrats' hold on Congress. Last week, AFSCME dug deeper, taking out a $2 million loan to fund its push. The group is spending money on television advertisements, phone calls, campaign mailings and other political efforts, helped by a Supreme Court decision that loosened restrictions on campaign spending.
"We're the big dog," said Larry Scanlon, the head of AFSCME's political operations. "But we don't like to brag."
The 2010 election could be pivotal for public-sector unions, whose clout helped shield members from the worst of the economic downturn. In the 2009 stimulus and other legislation, Democratic lawmakers sent more than $160 billion in federal cash to states, aimed in large part at preventing public-sector layoffs. If Republicans running under the banner of limited government win in November, they aren't likely to support extending such aid to states. . . .
Campaign's Big Spender: Public-Employees Union Now Leads All Groups in Independent Election Outlays
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is now the biggest outside spender of the 2010 elections, thanks to an 11th-hour effort to boost Democrats that has vaulted the public-sector union ahead of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AFL-CIO and a flock of new Republican groups in campaign spending.
The 1.6 million-member AFSCME is spending a total of $87.5 million on the elections after tapping into a $16 million emergency account to help fortify the Democrats' hold on Congress. Last week, AFSCME dug deeper, taking out a $2 million loan to fund its push. The group is spending money on television advertisements, phone calls, campaign mailings and other political efforts, helped by a Supreme Court decision that loosened restrictions on campaign spending.
"We're the big dog," said Larry Scanlon, the head of AFSCME's political operations. "But we don't like to brag."
The 2010 election could be pivotal for public-sector unions, whose clout helped shield members from the worst of the economic downturn. In the 2009 stimulus and other legislation, Democratic lawmakers sent more than $160 billion in federal cash to states, aimed in large part at preventing public-sector layoffs. If Republicans running under the banner of limited government win in November, they aren't likely to support extending such aid to states. . . .
Obama’s great betrayal
From: Y Net News
Obama’s great betrayal
It seems that President Obama’s confrontational and accusatory attitude toward Israel during the last two years has encouraged the anti-Semites in the international community, who did not dare to reveal themselves during the Bush Administration. Now, they have resurfaced and are making Israel the new scapegoat for all the evils in the world. . . . . .
Obama’s great betrayal
It seems that President Obama’s confrontational and accusatory attitude toward Israel during the last two years has encouraged the anti-Semites in the international community, who did not dare to reveal themselves during the Bush Administration. Now, they have resurfaced and are making Israel the new scapegoat for all the evils in the world. . . . . .
Presidential entourage books all 570 rooms in 5-star Taj Mahal Hotel… It’s good to be King.
From: Red, White, and Blue News
Presidential entourage books all 570 rooms in 5-star Taj Mahal Hotel… It’s good to be King.
RWB News: Looks like President Obama and Michelle “My Bell” will be hiding in style 2 days after the midterms. If this isn’t “overkill” for a broke country I do not know what is. It reminds me of all the Californians on food stamps going to Vegas.
President’s team has booked the entire the Taj Mahal Hotel, including 570 rooms, all banquets and restaurants. Since his security contingent and staff will comprise a huge number, 125 rooms at Taj President have also been booked, apart from 80 to 90 rooms each in Grand Hyatt and The Oberoi hotels. . . .
Presidential entourage books all 570 rooms in 5-star Taj Mahal Hotel… It’s good to be King.
RWB News: Looks like President Obama and Michelle “My Bell” will be hiding in style 2 days after the midterms. If this isn’t “overkill” for a broke country I do not know what is. It reminds me of all the Californians on food stamps going to Vegas.
President’s team has booked the entire the Taj Mahal Hotel, including 570 rooms, all banquets and restaurants. Since his security contingent and staff will comprise a huge number, 125 rooms at Taj President have also been booked, apart from 80 to 90 rooms each in Grand Hyatt and The Oberoi hotels. . . .
Judge orders Miller documents released
From: Anchorage Daily News
Judge orders Miller documents released
A judge ruled Saturday that the Fairbanks North Star Borough must release personnel records of U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller.
In an unusual weekend hearing, retired Superior Court Judge Winston Burbank ruled that the public's right to know about candidates outweighed Miller's right to privacy.
"I hold that although Mr. Miller has a legitimate expectation of privacy in those documents, Mr. Miller's right to privacy is indeed outweighed by the public's significant interest in the background of a public figure who is running for the U.S. Senate," the judge said. He noted that U.S. senator is among the highest elected offices in the nation.
Burbank ordered that nothing actually will be released until Tuesday afternoon, however, to allow for the ruling to be appealed to the Alaska Supreme Court. . . .
Judge orders Miller documents released
A judge ruled Saturday that the Fairbanks North Star Borough must release personnel records of U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller.
In an unusual weekend hearing, retired Superior Court Judge Winston Burbank ruled that the public's right to know about candidates outweighed Miller's right to privacy.
"I hold that although Mr. Miller has a legitimate expectation of privacy in those documents, Mr. Miller's right to privacy is indeed outweighed by the public's significant interest in the background of a public figure who is running for the U.S. Senate," the judge said. He noted that U.S. senator is among the highest elected offices in the nation.
Burbank ordered that nothing actually will be released until Tuesday afternoon, however, to allow for the ruling to be appealed to the Alaska Supreme Court. . . .
Saturday, October 23, 2010
'White House seeks to remove Obama'
From: Press TV
'White House seeks to remove Obama'
A US analyst says some officials in the White House and the administration are considering legal action to remove Barack Obama from presidency.
"Right now, there is discussion in Washington and within the government of using the 25th amendment to the US Constitution to remove Obama from office," Edward Spannaus from Executive Intelligence Review said in an interview with Press TV on Friday.
The amendment allows for removing the president if he/she has incapacity either physically or mentally.
"In this case, Obama is mentally incapable of fulfilling the office of president," Spannaus went on to say.
Referring to Obama's plummeting popularity, mostly due to the recent economic collapse in the US, Spannaus said, "There is no way that his presidency could be salvaged at this point and it does not really make any difference who wins the congressional elections." . . . .
'White House seeks to remove Obama'
A US analyst says some officials in the White House and the administration are considering legal action to remove Barack Obama from presidency.
"Right now, there is discussion in Washington and within the government of using the 25th amendment to the US Constitution to remove Obama from office," Edward Spannaus from Executive Intelligence Review said in an interview with Press TV on Friday.
The amendment allows for removing the president if he/she has incapacity either physically or mentally.
"In this case, Obama is mentally incapable of fulfilling the office of president," Spannaus went on to say.
Referring to Obama's plummeting popularity, mostly due to the recent economic collapse in the US, Spannaus said, "There is no way that his presidency could be salvaged at this point and it does not really make any difference who wins the congressional elections." . . . .
Democrats Back Third Parties to Siphon Votes
From: New York Times
Democrats Back Third Parties to Siphon Votes
Seeking any advantage in their effort to retain control of Congress, Democrats are working behind the scenes in a number of tight races to bolster long-shot third-party candidates who have platforms at odds with the Democratic agenda but hold the promise of siphoning Republican votes. . . . .
Democrats Back Third Parties to Siphon Votes
Seeking any advantage in their effort to retain control of Congress, Democrats are working behind the scenes in a number of tight races to bolster long-shot third-party candidates who have platforms at odds with the Democratic agenda but hold the promise of siphoning Republican votes. . . . .
Juan Williams / NPR
This post updated: 10/23/10, 1430
From: Real Clear Politics / 5:12 video
Krauthammer Slams NPR's Hypocrisy Over Williams And Totenberg
FOX News: "I don't understand the inconsistency here," Dr. Charles Krauthammer said on PBS's "Inside Washington" Friday night. Another guest on the panel was NPR's Nina Totenberg, whom Krauthammer targeted for her consistent liberal bias.
"Why is it okay for Nina to express opinions as she has tartly, sharply, unashamedly and openly? And she's an honored correspondent there; in fact, they mention your status here on ["Inside Washington"] in your biography at NPR. And Juan, because he expresses his opinions, he gets canned from NPR," Dr. Krauthammer said.
From: Fox News
A Brief History of NPR's Intolerance and Imbalance
From calling Tea Party members “Tea Baggers,” to saying that "the evaporation of 4 million" Christians would leave the world a better place, to suggesting that God could give former Sen. Jesse Helms or his family AIDS from a blood transfusion, NPR's personalities have said some pretty un-PC things in the past. A look at the record reveals no shortage of intolerant statements and unbalanced segments on the publicly sponsored network's airwaves.
Here's an incomplete list of questionable and controversial content that has aired on NPR or has been uttered by its employees: . . . .
11:00 YouTube Video
Megyn Kelly's Heated Discussion with CAIR (10.21.10)
Megyn Kelly has a heated interview with Ibrahim Hooper (CAIR) regarding the firing of Juan Williams from NPR following his honest statements about Muslims. CAIR contacted NPR to demand action be taken regarding this incident.
Mr. Hooper encouraged emails...here's his address:
From: LA Times
In wake of NPR controversy, Fox News gives Juan Williams an expanded role
The cable news network signs the analyst to a new three-year contract for nearly $2 million. Meanwhile, conservative figures blast the public radio network for its response to Williams' comments about Muslims.
Reporting from Washington — As NPR weathered a storm of criticism Thursday for its decision to fire news analyst Juan Williams for his comments about Muslims, Fox News moved aggressively to turn the controversy to its advantage by signing Williams to an expanded role at the cable news network.
Fox News Chief Executive Roger Ailes handed Williams a new three-year contract Thursday morning, in a deal that amounts to nearly $2 million, a considerable bump up from his previous salary, the Tribune Washington Bureau has learned. The Fox News contributor will now appear exclusively and more frequently on the cable news network and have a regular column on FoxNews.com. . . .
From: Real Clear Politics / 5:12 video
Krauthammer Slams NPR's Hypocrisy Over Williams And Totenberg
FOX News: "I don't understand the inconsistency here," Dr. Charles Krauthammer said on PBS's "Inside Washington" Friday night. Another guest on the panel was NPR's Nina Totenberg, whom Krauthammer targeted for her consistent liberal bias.
"Why is it okay for Nina to express opinions as she has tartly, sharply, unashamedly and openly? And she's an honored correspondent there; in fact, they mention your status here on ["Inside Washington"] in your biography at NPR. And Juan, because he expresses his opinions, he gets canned from NPR," Dr. Krauthammer said.
From: Fox News
A Brief History of NPR's Intolerance and Imbalance
From calling Tea Party members “Tea Baggers,” to saying that "the evaporation of 4 million" Christians would leave the world a better place, to suggesting that God could give former Sen. Jesse Helms or his family AIDS from a blood transfusion, NPR's personalities have said some pretty un-PC things in the past. A look at the record reveals no shortage of intolerant statements and unbalanced segments on the publicly sponsored network's airwaves.
Here's an incomplete list of questionable and controversial content that has aired on NPR or has been uttered by its employees: . . . .
11:00 YouTube Video
Megyn Kelly's Heated Discussion with CAIR (10.21.10)
Megyn Kelly has a heated interview with Ibrahim Hooper (CAIR) regarding the firing of Juan Williams from NPR following his honest statements about Muslims. CAIR contacted NPR to demand action be taken regarding this incident.
Mr. Hooper encouraged emails...here's his address:
From: LA Times
In wake of NPR controversy, Fox News gives Juan Williams an expanded role
The cable news network signs the analyst to a new three-year contract for nearly $2 million. Meanwhile, conservative figures blast the public radio network for its response to Williams' comments about Muslims.
Reporting from Washington — As NPR weathered a storm of criticism Thursday for its decision to fire news analyst Juan Williams for his comments about Muslims, Fox News moved aggressively to turn the controversy to its advantage by signing Williams to an expanded role at the cable news network.
Fox News Chief Executive Roger Ailes handed Williams a new three-year contract Thursday morning, in a deal that amounts to nearly $2 million, a considerable bump up from his previous salary, the Tribune Washington Bureau has learned. The Fox News contributor will now appear exclusively and more frequently on the cable news network and have a regular column on FoxNews.com. . . .
Friday, October 22, 2010
League of Women Voters Try to Stop Pledge of Allegiance at Debate
1:16 YouTube video
League of Women Voters Try to Stop Pledge of Allegiance at Debate
League of Women Voters Try to Stop Pledge of Allegiance at Debate
Reid: ‘But For Me, We’d Be in World-Wide Depression’
From: Breitbart TV / 0:50 video
Reid: ‘But For Me, We’d Be in World-Wide Depression’
http://www.breitbart.tv/reid-but-for-me-wed-be-in-world-wide-depression/Andrew Klavan: The Extremists are Coming!
3:42 YouTube video
Andrew Klavan: The Extremists are Coming!
Mainstream media "centrists," who are far to the left of most Americans, are concerned the "right wing" Tea Party, which occupies the center of American opinion, will displace "centrist" Democrats who are far, far left. Got it? Now tell your friends.
Andrew Klavan: The Extremists are Coming!
Mainstream media "centrists," who are far to the left of most Americans, are concerned the "right wing" Tea Party, which occupies the center of American opinion, will displace "centrist" Democrats who are far, far left. Got it? Now tell your friends.
Group Launches Media Blitz in Oklahoma for Anti-Shariah Ballot Initiative
From: Fox News
Group Launches Media Blitz in Oklahoma for Anti-Shariah Ballot Initiative
A group vowing to fight "Islamofascism" has launched a media blitz in Oklahoma supporting a state constitutional amendment that would prohibit the courts from considering Islamic or other international law when ruling on cases in Sooner State courtrooms.
The campaign by Act! For America, founded by Lebanese American journalist Brigitte Gabriel, includes a radio ad that began airing Monday, opinion articles and robo-calls from former CIA director and Tulsa native James Woolsey urging residents to vote for the ballot initiative. . . .
Group Launches Media Blitz in Oklahoma for Anti-Shariah Ballot Initiative
A group vowing to fight "Islamofascism" has launched a media blitz in Oklahoma supporting a state constitutional amendment that would prohibit the courts from considering Islamic or other international law when ruling on cases in Sooner State courtrooms.
The campaign by Act! For America, founded by Lebanese American journalist Brigitte Gabriel, includes a radio ad that began airing Monday, opinion articles and robo-calls from former CIA director and Tulsa native James Woolsey urging residents to vote for the ballot initiative. . . .
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan because neighbour claimed 'smell of frying bacon offends Muslims'
From: Mail Online
Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan because neighbour claimed 'smell of frying bacon offends Muslims'
A hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan - because the smell of her frying bacon 'offends' Muslims.
Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek, 49, after being told her next-door neighbour's Muslim friends had felt 'physically sick' due to the 'foul odour'.
Councillors at Stockport Council in Greater Manchester say the smell from the fan is 'unacceptable on the grounds of residential amenity'. . . . .
Cafe owner ordered to remove extractor fan because neighbour claimed 'smell of frying bacon offends Muslims'
A hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan - because the smell of her frying bacon 'offends' Muslims.
Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek, 49, after being told her next-door neighbour's Muslim friends had felt 'physically sick' due to the 'foul odour'.
Councillors at Stockport Council in Greater Manchester say the smell from the fan is 'unacceptable on the grounds of residential amenity'. . . . .
DeMint Threatens To Leave GOP If Agenda Is Not Limited Government
From: Real Clear Politics / 1:30 video
DeMint Threatens To Leave GOP If Agenda Is Not Limited Government
"I don't want to be in Washington another six years and watch the Republican party betray the trust of the American people again. I mean, we had the White House. We had a majority in the House and the Senate. We voted for more spending and more earmarks. Most of our senior members seem to be focused on taking home the bacon. I'm not going to be in a Republican party like that and that's not what the Republican Party is across America," Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) told FOX News.
DeMint Threatens To Leave GOP If Agenda Is Not Limited Government
"I don't want to be in Washington another six years and watch the Republican party betray the trust of the American people again. I mean, we had the White House. We had a majority in the House and the Senate. We voted for more spending and more earmarks. Most of our senior members seem to be focused on taking home the bacon. I'm not going to be in a Republican party like that and that's not what the Republican Party is across America," Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) told FOX News.
National Debt Up $3 Trillion on Obama's Watch
From: CBS News
National Debt Up $3 Trillion on Obama's Watch
New numbers posted today on the Treasury Department website show the National Debt has increased by more than $3 trillion since President Obama took office.
The National Debt stood at $10.626 trillion the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated. The Bureau of Public Debt reported today that the National Debt had hit an all time high of $13.665 trillion.
The Debt increased $4.9 trillion during President Bush's two terms. The Administration has projected the National Debt will soar in Mr. Obama's fourth year in office to nearly $16.5-trillion in 2012. That's more than 100 percent of the value of the nation's economy and $5.9-trillion above what it was his first day on the job. . . . .
National Debt Up $3 Trillion on Obama's Watch
New numbers posted today on the Treasury Department website show the National Debt has increased by more than $3 trillion since President Obama took office.
The National Debt stood at $10.626 trillion the day Mr. Obama was inaugurated. The Bureau of Public Debt reported today that the National Debt had hit an all time high of $13.665 trillion.
The Debt increased $4.9 trillion during President Bush's two terms. The Administration has projected the National Debt will soar in Mr. Obama's fourth year in office to nearly $16.5-trillion in 2012. That's more than 100 percent of the value of the nation's economy and $5.9-trillion above what it was his first day on the job. . . . .
From Self-Reliance to Servitude
From: Town Hall.com
From Self-Reliance to Servitude
We use a variety of yardsticks to judge whether our country is on the right track. Is inflation up? Has unemployment dropped? What’s the stock market doing today?
Here’s another one: Are Americans, who have long prided themselves on their freedom and self-reliance, becoming more dependent on government, or less?
It’s a yardstick we seldom check. But we should.
Consider health care. Before the 1960s, Americans who didn’t get their insurance through work typically got it through civic organizations such as churches and social clubs. Now they’re more likely to get it through government public programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The result? Greater dependence on government. . . . . .
From Self-Reliance to Servitude
We use a variety of yardsticks to judge whether our country is on the right track. Is inflation up? Has unemployment dropped? What’s the stock market doing today?
Here’s another one: Are Americans, who have long prided themselves on their freedom and self-reliance, becoming more dependent on government, or less?
It’s a yardstick we seldom check. But we should.
Consider health care. Before the 1960s, Americans who didn’t get their insurance through work typically got it through civic organizations such as churches and social clubs. Now they’re more likely to get it through government public programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The result? Greater dependence on government. . . . . .
NPR Fires Juan Williams Over Muslim Comments
From: The Blaze
NPR Fires Juan Williams Over Muslim Comments
Liberal political commentator and National Public Radio senior news analyst Juan Williams has reportedly been fired from his position at NPR over comments he made about Muslims on Fox News‘ O’Reilly Factor.
Williams appeared on host Bill O‘Reilly’s primetime broadcast Monday evening and noted that “political correctness can lead to some kind of paralysis where you don’t address reality.” . . . .
NPR Fires Juan Williams Over Muslim Comments
Liberal political commentator and National Public Radio senior news analyst Juan Williams has reportedly been fired from his position at NPR over comments he made about Muslims on Fox News‘ O’Reilly Factor.
Williams appeared on host Bill O‘Reilly’s primetime broadcast Monday evening and noted that “political correctness can lead to some kind of paralysis where you don’t address reality.” . . . .
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Obama Considering Rule by Executive Order in 2011
From: Floyd Reports
Obama Considering Rule by Executive Order in 2011
This morning, political commentators are paying a great deal of attention to one of the Los Angeles Times’ stories about Barack Obama’s plans for a Republican takeover of Congress. Unfortunately, they are focusing on the wrong one. Most commentators spent the morning quoting the president’s remarks on a black radio program that a GOP-dominated Congress will result in “hand-to-hand combat.” The reality is most of the action will take place behind their backs and over their heads. All indications are, if Obama cannot get his legislative agenda enacted by Congress, he will impose it by decree.
The evidence comes buried elsewhere in today’s L.A. Times in a piece by Peter Nicholas and Christi Parsons under the hum-drum headline, “Obama Reshapes Administration for a Fresh Strategy.” The story makes clear the “fresh strategy” borders on government by executive fiat. It begins, “As President Obama remakes his senior staff, he is also shaping a new approach for the second half of his term: to advance his agenda through executive actions he can take on his own, rather than pushing plans through an increasingly hostile Congress.” This rule by divine right of kings is confirmed by no less an Obama insider than David Axelrod, who said, “It’s fair to say that the next phase is going to be less about legislative action than it is about managing the change that we’ve brought.” The Times states candidly: . . .
Obama Considering Rule by Executive Order in 2011
This morning, political commentators are paying a great deal of attention to one of the Los Angeles Times’ stories about Barack Obama’s plans for a Republican takeover of Congress. Unfortunately, they are focusing on the wrong one. Most commentators spent the morning quoting the president’s remarks on a black radio program that a GOP-dominated Congress will result in “hand-to-hand combat.” The reality is most of the action will take place behind their backs and over their heads. All indications are, if Obama cannot get his legislative agenda enacted by Congress, he will impose it by decree.
The evidence comes buried elsewhere in today’s L.A. Times in a piece by Peter Nicholas and Christi Parsons under the hum-drum headline, “Obama Reshapes Administration for a Fresh Strategy.” The story makes clear the “fresh strategy” borders on government by executive fiat. It begins, “As President Obama remakes his senior staff, he is also shaping a new approach for the second half of his term: to advance his agenda through executive actions he can take on his own, rather than pushing plans through an increasingly hostile Congress.” This rule by divine right of kings is confirmed by no less an Obama insider than David Axelrod, who said, “It’s fair to say that the next phase is going to be less about legislative action than it is about managing the change that we’ve brought.” The Times states candidly: . . .
Fannie Mae lobbyist to lead Obama's national security team
From: The Examiner
Fannie Mae lobbyist to lead Obama's national security team
National Security Advisor General Jim Jones resigned last week and will be replaced by a top military and national security expert. NOT. Gen. Jones will be replaced by man who epitomizes the term "political hack. -- Democratic Party activist and Fannie Mae lobbyist Tom Donilon.
On Friday, a favored day to release news while Americans aren't paying attention, President Obama announced that his national security adviser Jones would step down in two weeks and will be replaced by his deputy, Tom Donilon. The president hailed Donilon as a brilliant, hard-working adviser who “has a wealth of experience” in the White House and global security issues and is suited to run the NSC during a challenging era, according to Politico.
Of course, as Politico further notes, many disagree with the president’s rosy assessment of Donilon’s preparedness starting with the nation’s Defense Secretary: . . .
Fannie Mae lobbyist to lead Obama's national security team
National Security Advisor General Jim Jones resigned last week and will be replaced by a top military and national security expert. NOT. Gen. Jones will be replaced by man who epitomizes the term "political hack. -- Democratic Party activist and Fannie Mae lobbyist Tom Donilon.
On Friday, a favored day to release news while Americans aren't paying attention, President Obama announced that his national security adviser Jones would step down in two weeks and will be replaced by his deputy, Tom Donilon. The president hailed Donilon as a brilliant, hard-working adviser who “has a wealth of experience” in the White House and global security issues and is suited to run the NSC during a challenging era, according to Politico.
Of course, as Politico further notes, many disagree with the president’s rosy assessment of Donilon’s preparedness starting with the nation’s Defense Secretary: . . .
Illinois Soldiers Wait for Ballots. Prisoners Get Hand Delivery.
From: Big Government
Illinois Soldiers Wait for Ballots. Prisoners Get Hand Delivery.
Over 35 counties in Illinois missed the deadline to mail military ballots to our soldiers defending America. But in Chicago, county election officials have taken special steps to ensure that no inmates at the Cook County Jail are unable to cast a ballot. . . . .
Illinois Soldiers Wait for Ballots. Prisoners Get Hand Delivery.
Over 35 counties in Illinois missed the deadline to mail military ballots to our soldiers defending America. But in Chicago, county election officials have taken special steps to ensure that no inmates at the Cook County Jail are unable to cast a ballot. . . . .
Where are the Islamic Banks Located In America?
From: Suite 101
Where are the Islamic Banks Located In America?: How Can a Muslim Buy a Home in America With No Interest?
Buying a home in the USA just got easier for Muslims. Many banks are now offering zero interest programs to follow the Islamic guidelines of the Quran.
According to the Quran, Muslims may not pay any interest for credit or receive interest either. In dealing with banks, Muslims are looking for Islamic ways to purchase a home. There are several acceptable ways to do this.
Seller Financing - Seller financing would include all creative financing done by the seller to sell his property without including the bank. This type of financing could also include lease options.
Ijara or Declining Rent Schedule - Ijara is where the bank buys the home and rents the home back to the borrower for a certain term of years. As the money is reduced that is owed to the bank, the rent is also reduced on the home. Once the home is paid in full, the title is placed in the owner's name.
Murahaba - Murahaba is the last type of Islamic program helping the borrower to own a home without interest. With this type of financing, the bank purchases the home and for an inflated price over what they paid, the borrower is allowed to purchase a home. The amount owed is amortized over the life of the loan and the word interest is never used.
Islamic Banks Located in America . . . .
Where are the Islamic Banks Located In America?: How Can a Muslim Buy a Home in America With No Interest?
Buying a home in the USA just got easier for Muslims. Many banks are now offering zero interest programs to follow the Islamic guidelines of the Quran.
According to the Quran, Muslims may not pay any interest for credit or receive interest either. In dealing with banks, Muslims are looking for Islamic ways to purchase a home. There are several acceptable ways to do this.
Seller Financing - Seller financing would include all creative financing done by the seller to sell his property without including the bank. This type of financing could also include lease options.
Ijara or Declining Rent Schedule - Ijara is where the bank buys the home and rents the home back to the borrower for a certain term of years. As the money is reduced that is owed to the bank, the rent is also reduced on the home. Once the home is paid in full, the title is placed in the owner's name.
Murahaba - Murahaba is the last type of Islamic program helping the borrower to own a home without interest. With this type of financing, the bank purchases the home and for an inflated price over what they paid, the borrower is allowed to purchase a home. The amount owed is amortized over the life of the loan and the word interest is never used.
Islamic Banks Located in America . . . .
‘Don’t tread on me’: At least one Tea Partier denied the right to vote in Texas
From: The Daily Caller
‘Don’t tread on me’: At least one Tea Partier denied the right to vote in Texas
A Texas woman was denied the right to vote on Monday because she was wearing a button bearing a Gadsden flag — the rattlesnake over the words “Don’t Tread on Me” that has become the unofficial image of the Tea Party.
Katrina Pierson, who sits on the steering committee of the Dallas Tea Party and is also involved with the Garland Tea Party, told The Daily Caller that “around 11 o’clock yesterday,” a Garland Tea Party member, reported that she was told by an election official that she could not vote unless she removed her button. A second election official, Pierson said, did not recognize the button and did not understand why the other official was not permitting the woman to vote. . . . .
‘Don’t tread on me’: At least one Tea Partier denied the right to vote in Texas
A Texas woman was denied the right to vote on Monday because she was wearing a button bearing a Gadsden flag — the rattlesnake over the words “Don’t Tread on Me” that has become the unofficial image of the Tea Party.
Katrina Pierson, who sits on the steering committee of the Dallas Tea Party and is also involved with the Garland Tea Party, told The Daily Caller that “around 11 o’clock yesterday,” a Garland Tea Party member, reported that she was told by an election official that she could not vote unless she removed her button. A second election official, Pierson said, did not recognize the button and did not understand why the other official was not permitting the woman to vote. . . . .
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Pelosi: Need To Address "Fairness" Of "Ownership and Equity" In US
From: Real Clear Politics / 0:55 video
Pelosi: Need To Address "Fairness" Of "Ownership and Equity" In US
"We're talking about addressing the disparity of income where the wealthy people continue to get wealthier and some other people are falling out of the middle class when we want to bring many more people into the middle class. But that disparity is not just about wages alone, that disparity is about ownership and equity. It's all about fairness in our country," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said to the United Steelworkers on Monday. Pelosi: "If Someone Punches You, You Punch Them Right Back"
Pelosi: Need To Address "Fairness" Of "Ownership and Equity" In US
"We're talking about addressing the disparity of income where the wealthy people continue to get wealthier and some other people are falling out of the middle class when we want to bring many more people into the middle class. But that disparity is not just about wages alone, that disparity is about ownership and equity. It's all about fairness in our country," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said to the United Steelworkers on Monday. Pelosi: "If Someone Punches You, You Punch Them Right Back"
MSNBC Labels GOP Candidates ‘American Freak Show’
From: Breitbart TV / 0:28 video
This may be another example of the new, "Lean Forward" branding for MSNBC.
MSNBC Labels GOP Candidates ‘American Freak Show’
http://www.breitbart.tv/msnbc-calls-gop-candidates-american-freak-show/This may be another example of the new, "Lean Forward" branding for MSNBC.
Monday, October 18, 2010
College Professor Calls for Israel’s Destruction
From: Breitbart TV / 3:30 video
We must stand united to defeat, to destroy, to dismantle Israel--if possible by peaceful means," Kaukab Siddique said. "Perhaps, like Saladin, we will give them enough food and water to travel back to the lands from where they came to occupy other people."
Siddique is an associate professor of English at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania.
College Professor Calls for Israel’s Destruction
http://www.breitbart.tv/college-professor-calls-for-israels-destruction/We must stand united to defeat, to destroy, to dismantle Israel--if possible by peaceful means," Kaukab Siddique said. "Perhaps, like Saladin, we will give them enough food and water to travel back to the lands from where they came to occupy other people."
Siddique is an associate professor of English at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania.
Barney Frank's Boyfriend Heckles GOP Opponent After Debate
From: Real Clear Politics / 0:44 video
Barney Frank's Boyfriend Heckles GOP Opponent After Debate
Outside of the WGBH debate, Rep. Barney Frank's (D-MA) boyfriend James Ready heckles Sean Bielat (R-MA). (source: Boston Herald)
Barney Frank's Boyfriend Heckles GOP Opponent After Debate
Outside of the WGBH debate, Rep. Barney Frank's (D-MA) boyfriend James Ready heckles Sean Bielat (R-MA). (source: Boston Herald)
Democrats Pin Hopes on Obama
From: Wall Street Journal
Democrats Pin Hopes on Obama
Democrats are riding the back of President Barack Obama in a last-lap attempt to contain damage in the midterm elections, and for good reason: Bruised though he may be, the president remains the best asset Democrats have.
Listen: Obama hasn't lost his lure for some Democrats in the midterm election, Gerald Seib reports. In fact, Mr. Obama may be the least of his party's problems right now. He remains decidedly more popular than his party's congressional leaders, individually or collectively. Beyond that, many of the Democratic Party's current political woes can be traced to the tactics and decisions of its congressional wing. . . . .
Democrats Pin Hopes on Obama
Democrats are riding the back of President Barack Obama in a last-lap attempt to contain damage in the midterm elections, and for good reason: Bruised though he may be, the president remains the best asset Democrats have.
Listen: Obama hasn't lost his lure for some Democrats in the midterm election, Gerald Seib reports. In fact, Mr. Obama may be the least of his party's problems right now. He remains decidedly more popular than his party's congressional leaders, individually or collectively. Beyond that, many of the Democratic Party's current political woes can be traced to the tactics and decisions of its congressional wing. . . . .
Three years of Obama - WATCH BEFORE YOU VOTE!
10:57 YouTube video
Three years of Obama - WATCH BEFORE YOU VOTE!
http://www.bkdell.com Lies, gaffes and broken promises - three years of Obama in ten minutes.
Three years of Obama - WATCH BEFORE YOU VOTE!
http://www.bkdell.com Lies, gaffes and broken promises - three years of Obama in ten minutes.
Obama's agenda: Overwhelm the system
From: Les Vegas Review Journal
Rahm Emanuel cynically said, "You never want a crisis to go to waste." It is now becoming clear that the crisis he was referring to is Barack Obama's presidency.
Obama is no fool. He is not incompetent. To the contrary, he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos -- thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within.
Doesn't Harry Reid also have federal benefits?
Board wasting money on new superintendent
As Glenn Beck correctly predicted from day one, Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University. They outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands. Add up the clues below. Taken individually they're alarming. Taken as a whole, it is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival ... and can be counted on to always vote for bigger government. Why not? They have no responsibility to pay for it. . . . .
Rahm Emanuel cynically said, "You never want a crisis to go to waste." It is now becoming clear that the crisis he was referring to is Barack Obama's presidency.
Obama is no fool. He is not incompetent. To the contrary, he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos -- thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within.
Doesn't Harry Reid also have federal benefits?
Board wasting money on new superintendent
As Glenn Beck correctly predicted from day one, Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University. They outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands. Add up the clues below. Taken individually they're alarming. Taken as a whole, it is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival ... and can be counted on to always vote for bigger government. Why not? They have no responsibility to pay for it. . . . .
America, we have a problem
From: The Daily Caller
America, we have a problem
In a New York Times interview last week, President Obama acknowledged that there’s “no such thing as shovel-ready projects.”
This was one of his main selling points for the $862 billion stimulus package. He now admits they don’t exist, and the stimulus is clearly not working.
The public was told that unemployment would not go above 8 percent if the stimulus package passed. They passed it and unemployment went to over 9.6 percent and stayed there. So now the president and his economic advisors say we might have to just get used to high unemployment. And they want to spend even more money. . . . .
America, we have a problem
In a New York Times interview last week, President Obama acknowledged that there’s “no such thing as shovel-ready projects.”
This was one of his main selling points for the $862 billion stimulus package. He now admits they don’t exist, and the stimulus is clearly not working.
The public was told that unemployment would not go above 8 percent if the stimulus package passed. They passed it and unemployment went to over 9.6 percent and stayed there. So now the president and his economic advisors say we might have to just get used to high unemployment. And they want to spend even more money. . . . .
PolitiZoid - Harry's Office Episode 1
2:44 YouTube video
PolitiZoid - Harry's Office Episode 1
Get an inside look at the offices of Blunder Miffed (aka Harry Reid's Office)
PolitiZoid - Harry's Office Episode 1
Get an inside look at the offices of Blunder Miffed (aka Harry Reid's Office)
Al-Qaeda affiliate calls for strikes on U.S. targets such as D.C. restaurants
From: The Washington Post
Al-Qaeda affiliate calls for strikes on U.S. targets such as D.C. restaurant
Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Yemen urges followers to strike U.S. targets, including restaurants in Washington, in a new edition of an English-language publication that the group posts online.
In a section that suggests ideas for attacks inside the United States, the publication says that using firearms to carry out "a random hit at a crowded restaurant in Washington D.C. at lunch hour for example might end up knocking out a few government employees" and attracting widespread news media attention.
U.S. counterterrorism officials said they were taking the threat seriously. "When specific locations are mentioned as possible targets, that's always a concern," said a U.S. counterterrorism official. "This terrorist publication is filled with the kind of hatred you see in other extremist propaganda." . . . .
Al-Qaeda affiliate calls for strikes on U.S. targets such as D.C. restaurant
Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Yemen urges followers to strike U.S. targets, including restaurants in Washington, in a new edition of an English-language publication that the group posts online.
In a section that suggests ideas for attacks inside the United States, the publication says that using firearms to carry out "a random hit at a crowded restaurant in Washington D.C. at lunch hour for example might end up knocking out a few government employees" and attracting widespread news media attention.
U.S. counterterrorism officials said they were taking the threat seriously. "When specific locations are mentioned as possible targets, that's always a concern," said a U.S. counterterrorism official. "This terrorist publication is filled with the kind of hatred you see in other extremist propaganda." . . . .
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Shock video: Top Dem, socialists plot '1-world' scheme
From: World Net Daily
Shock video: Top Dem, socialists plot '1-world' scheme: Plan calls for unions, clergy, civil rights leaders to 'strengthen' Obama
The Democratic chairman of the powerful House Judiciary Committee has been caught on tape meeting with a U.S.-based, Marxist-oriented socialist organization to discuss how the group can cooperate to strengthen President Obama and advance their "one-world" plans.
Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., who has a long history with the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, was recorded promoting a "one-world" government, while asking the socialist group to organize against the war in Afghanistan and in support of Obama's policies.
"I see that us making him more cooperative with our plans is going to strengthen him and not weaken him," Conyers says to applause from the DSA activists. . . . .
Shock video: Top Dem, socialists plot '1-world' scheme: Plan calls for unions, clergy, civil rights leaders to 'strengthen' Obama
The Democratic chairman of the powerful House Judiciary Committee has been caught on tape meeting with a U.S.-based, Marxist-oriented socialist organization to discuss how the group can cooperate to strengthen President Obama and advance their "one-world" plans.
Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., who has a long history with the Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA, was recorded promoting a "one-world" government, while asking the socialist group to organize against the war in Afghanistan and in support of Obama's policies.
"I see that us making him more cooperative with our plans is going to strengthen him and not weaken him," Conyers says to applause from the DSA activists. . . . .
Funny Scary CommieTunes: Spreading Our Wealth - Obama Socialist / Communist / Marxist / Maoist
10:00 YouTube video
Funny Scary CommieTunes: Spreading Our Wealth - Obama Socialist / Communist / Marxist / Maoist
http://commieblaster.com/commietunes/ - Funny, Hilarious, CommieTunes - Episode 7 - Obama Communist / Marxist / Maoist / Socialist / Progressive - CommieBlaster shows you conclusive proof that Obama and members of Congress are Socialists hell bent on redistributing our wealth - Starring Obama, Joe Biden, Max Baucus, Dick Durbin, Phil Hare, Jim Moran, Jim McDermott, Howard Dean, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Jim Wallis, Keith Olbermann, Marc Lamont Hill, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Penn & Teller and All-American Guitar Hero, Ted Nugent. See More Commie Tunes and CommieBlaster Videos at http://commieblaster.com/commietunes/
Funny Scary CommieTunes: Spreading Our Wealth - Obama Socialist / Communist / Marxist / Maoist
http://commieblaster.com/commietunes/ - Funny, Hilarious, CommieTunes - Episode 7 - Obama Communist / Marxist / Maoist / Socialist / Progressive - CommieBlaster shows you conclusive proof that Obama and members of Congress are Socialists hell bent on redistributing our wealth - Starring Obama, Joe Biden, Max Baucus, Dick Durbin, Phil Hare, Jim Moran, Jim McDermott, Howard Dean, Al Sharpton, Jeremiah Wright, Jim Wallis, Keith Olbermann, Marc Lamont Hill, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Penn & Teller and All-American Guitar Hero, Ted Nugent. See More Commie Tunes and CommieBlaster Videos at http://commieblaster.com/commietunes/
Barack Obama ...."Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"
1:58 YouTube video
Barack Obama ...."Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"
Barack Obama ...."Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill That Lands On My Desk"
Dennis Miller - "Bigot" is the new "Doodie Head"
1:46 YouTube video
Dennis Miller - "Bigot" is the new "Doodie Head"
Dennis responds to caller Kris from Idaho on the "Bigot" charge
Dennis Miller - "Bigot" is the new "Doodie Head"
Dennis responds to caller Kris from Idaho on the "Bigot" charge
Helpless Liberals Watch as Obama Switches from Messiah to Demon
From: Rush Limbaugh
Helpless Liberals Watch as Obama Switches from Messiah to Demon
RUSH: I don't care where you look today, folks. Everywhere in the State-Controlled Media, this election is being reported as a Democrat disaster. Anywhere from 55 to 70, maybe 80 seats in the House, may not take the Senate, discombobulated out there. The Obamas are in Cleveland. It's like Robert Byrd is a Klansman going down to Mississippi for votes 50 years ago, and if you do that, you are in big trouble.
I've been watching the media report all this. I've been watching the media report how bad it's going to be. Politico: It's a disaster. Michael Barone: It's a disaster. Charlie Cook: It's going to be a disaster. And I'm looking at the media report this, what do they think about this? I mean everything they believe in is gonna come crashing and burning, they say, in two weeks. So I'm watching PMSNBC, and you know what the big news there is? Ken Buck in Colorado in a debate, Republican Senate candidate in a debate, said that homosexuality may be a choice. And there's MSNBC: "This is the news of the day." And I said, "It's not the news of the day." The news of the day is the economy, no jobs, Obama plundering and floundering, the Democrat Party floundering. And yet there it is. It's the template. It's right out of the playbook: Republicans say homosexuality may be a choice. They go into full gear, nobody cares about it. It's like they're living in Jurassic Park. . . . . .
Helpless Liberals Watch as Obama Switches from Messiah to Demon
RUSH: I don't care where you look today, folks. Everywhere in the State-Controlled Media, this election is being reported as a Democrat disaster. Anywhere from 55 to 70, maybe 80 seats in the House, may not take the Senate, discombobulated out there. The Obamas are in Cleveland. It's like Robert Byrd is a Klansman going down to Mississippi for votes 50 years ago, and if you do that, you are in big trouble.
I've been watching the media report all this. I've been watching the media report how bad it's going to be. Politico: It's a disaster. Michael Barone: It's a disaster. Charlie Cook: It's going to be a disaster. And I'm looking at the media report this, what do they think about this? I mean everything they believe in is gonna come crashing and burning, they say, in two weeks. So I'm watching PMSNBC, and you know what the big news there is? Ken Buck in Colorado in a debate, Republican Senate candidate in a debate, said that homosexuality may be a choice. And there's MSNBC: "This is the news of the day." And I said, "It's not the news of the day." The news of the day is the economy, no jobs, Obama plundering and floundering, the Democrat Party floundering. And yet there it is. It's the template. It's right out of the playbook: Republicans say homosexuality may be a choice. They go into full gear, nobody cares about it. It's like they're living in Jurassic Park. . . . . .
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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