By Ed Blazejewski
Barrack Obama followed a two-track plan to achieve the American Presidency. Track one, or shall I say, step one resided in domestic politics. Track two, or step two, was of foreign derivation. To understand the coup that took place in 2008, the first rule is to stop thinking in terms of traditional American politics. One must redact from his or her focus the concept of Republicans and Democrats, and insert thinking along the lines of liberal, aka, progressive, and conservative.
In understanding the American Coup of 2008 is to have insight into Weimar Germany of 1930-1933: the rise of Hitler and his consolidation of power. The parallels between Obama and fellow revolutionary Adolf Hitler are uncanny. Here are 10 similarities:
(1) Hitler led a nation which was not his birthplace, and as such, the question is raised regarding his true fidelity. The venue of Obama’s birth remains the subject of debate.
(2) Both Obama and Hitler have professed “shame” regarding their nations. Hitler expressed outrage over the humiliation of Versailles, citing the weakness of the German people and the failure of the German military, while Obama expressed his anger concerning the selfishness and bigotry of the American people. Nothing spoke more clearly to this issue than Michelle Obama’s remarks, prior to Obama’s nomination, that the good judgement of the Democrat primary voter made it possible for her to be proud of America “for the first time in my adult life.”
(3) Both Obama and Hitler wrote biographicalpolitical manifestos prior to the acquisition of power, wherein they both proclaimed their negative viewpoints of the nations they were about to lead, revealing what they considered to be the problems that had to be confronted, and presented a blueprint to effect change. As with Hitler, Obama may have had a ghost writer. Rudolph Hess is alledged to have written “Mein Kampf” and William Ayers is thought to have written “Dreams From My Father”.
(4) Both Hitler and Obama exploited an economic crisis to discredited an incumbant government and to sail into office. Both blamed political opponents for those economies and convinced their so-to-be constituents that their opponents were opponents were reaping beneficiates, at their expense.
(5) Both Hitler and Obama proclaimed that the existing foreign policies of Germany and the United States brought shame upon their respective nations.
(6) Both were master manipulators of the media. For Hitler and Obama, the backdrops of their speaking rostums, resemembled the visual of Roman-style stone pillars which harkened the majesty of ancient Rome. Both absorbed the adjulation of crowds, the fainting of woman, and children signing praise unto them.
(7) Both enjoyed a “creepy cult of personality.” (8) Both Hitler and Obama used what might be termed an excessive rule by decree, aka, executive orders and recess appointments to consolidate power without recourse to legislative oversigh
(8) Hitler used the economic crisis and the contrived Reichstag Fire to acquire absolute executive power. Obama has termed just about every issue, such as health care, the H1N1 virus, BP, and immigration as a crisis, and exploited those crisis (don’t let a good crisis go to waste) in order to impose such unpopular legislation such as TARP Two, the Stimulus and Health Care. Clearly, both men governed against the will of their respective peoples.
(9) Hitler used his personal armies of terror to control the media, manipulate ballots, and solidify his absolute power and control. Obama seems to mirror Hitler in this regard – ACORN, union thugs, political hacks, the Black Panthers, and his proposed civilian army, have they tendency and effect of suppressing the opposition, manipulate ballots (bypassing the electoral college and the Port Chester example of instituting “affirmative action elections), and, along with a complicit mainstream media, is making every attempt to limit free speech by control of talk radio and the internet. Obama’s minunes have slandered and demagued the opposition TEA Party, those who “cling to their Bibles and guns,” and anyone who opposes illegal immigration.
(10) Both Hitler and Obama have de-federalized their nations. Hitler banned direct popular elections of provincial parliments, and instead, personally appointed provisional governors, thus consolidating all power in a strong national state under his direct personal control. Obama has prevented State governors from taking necessary states to protect their citizens in the BP spill, has interfered in state politics to an ubelievable extent, and has openly criticized State governors, supported the President of Mexico over those governors, and is now suing Arizona regarding the illegal immigration issue.
I am not submitting Obama is another Hitler. But to understand the Coup of 2008, an objective observer must conceed that the silimarities are uncanny. In my assessment, Obama has taken a two-track domestic and international road map to the pinnicle of what may beome an absolute dictatorship, sixty-five years after that of his mirror image was destroyed.
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