A provisional ballot is used to record a vote when there is some question in regards to a given voter's eligibility. A provisional ballot would be cast when:
1) The voter refuses to show a photo ID (in regions that require one)
2) The voter's name does not appear on the electoral roll for the given precinct.
3) The voter's registration contains inaccurate or out-dated information such as the wrong address or a misspelled name.
4) The voter's ballot has already been recorded.
Whether a provisional ballot is counted is contingent upon the verification of that voter's eligibility. Many voters do not realize that the provisional ballot is not counted until 7-10 days after election so their vote does not affect the calling of the states to different candidates. A guarantee that a voter could cast a provisional ballot if he or she believes that they are entitled to vote was one of the guarantees of the Help America Vote Act of 2002.
As I have been SCREAMING FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOPS the lack of enforcement of provisional ballots by the DOJ means illegal or fraudulent votes will now be counted in the election results. This means millions of illegal immigrants, dead people, & cartoon characters can cast a vote & have it count. This could have a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ON THE ELECTION RESULTS & CONGRESSIONAL SEATS.
As it stands this situation sets forth an opportunity for liberals to steel the election. That's why I have asked the question why isn't the GOP, RNC, or Tea Party screaming about this & using political common sense & take the DOJ to court to make them prove JUST CAUSE as to why they are not enforcing the existing law of vetting (i.e., certifying the validity of) provisional ballots.

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