Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Open Your Eyes America

By Ed Blazejewski

What Americans fail to realize is the Obama administration has used, and is using, the auspicies of the Justice Department, the courts, various state legislatures, the Congress, political hacks, special interest groups, and common street thugs to fulfill it’s agenda, consolidate its power, and transform the insti...tution of the American presidency into Barrack Obama’s platform of personal power.

Attorney General Eric Holder’s decision to drop charges of voter intimidation against already-convicted New Black Panthers members, and the comments of former Justice J. Christian Adams that the Holder Justice Department will enforce motor-voter laws ONLY in a LIMITED way, are clarion calls to the American people that the right to vote is under attack, and the electoral process is now weighed in favor of one side. Taken at face value, Holder’s order proclaims, loudly and clearly, that black on white voter intimidation will not be prosecuted, while prosecutions of white on black intimidation is not only alive and well, but accelerated.

The significance of the issue is obvious; para-military, uniformed thugs, weilding trunchons and hurling verbal threats and insults, will be permitted to intimidate opposition voters.

Equally alarming, is Mr. Holder’s curious decision regarding the Justice Department’s oversight of the motor-voter registration process. Until now, states permitted citizens to register to vote concurrent their conduct of business at their DMV. Voters were permitted to register at the DMV with a minimum of documentation, but that registration was subject to the necessary scruity to confirm the required voter credentials. Absent credential confirmation, voters were permitted to cast provincial or conditional ballots, but those ballots were subject to proper scrutiny, and were counted only when there was confirmation of necessary voter credentials.

To illustrate, in 2004, President Bush led Senator John Kerry by over 100,000 votes, but in light of 200,000 uncounted provisional votes, Kerry refused to conceed the state, and as such, the election. The Democratic candidate attempted to make Ohio, 2004 a Florida, 2000 type-race. However, Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, dished that idea early on the morning-after by observing that historically, only a small percentage of provisional ballots actually qualified as acceptable legal ballots, and therefore, he was comfortable with acknowledging a Bush victory in Ohio. How would have Holder’s decision impacted the 2004 Ohio race???

Those 200,000 provisional ballots, mostly from black-dominated Democratic areas, would undoubtedly have gone to Kerry, and Bush therefore, instead of winning the Buckeye state by over 100,000 votes, would have lost the state by that exact same amount, and as such, the Presidency.

More broadly, if less immediately, is what is going on in various state legislatures regarding the apportionment of electoral votes. A number of state legislatures, whose aggregate number of electoral votes exceeds 270, the minimum number needed for victory, are considering, or have passed, state election rules which would require the electors of their state NOT to vote for the candidate who wins the majority of votes in that state, but rather, those electors must pledge themselves to vote for the NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE winner, even though the Constitution commands to the contrary.

Moreover, an “affirmative action election” model may have been introduced in Port Chester, New York.

Hispanic voters complaining that they had no representation on the City Council managed to convince the powers that be in Port Chester to adopt election rules which would permit a Hispanic voter TO CAST SIX BALLOTS for any one candidate on election day, while non-Hispanic voters were limited to the traditional one vote. If this model, for whatever reason, should be incorporated into elections for statewide or national office, the results would be obvious. Ballot manipulation, intimidation, stuffing, fraud and emotional exploitation are nothing new to these liberal revolutionaries.

One only has to remember the exploitation of the Wellstone funeral in 2002, the Ashcroft-Carnahan race in 2000, and the Franken-Coleman race in 2008. Together with the foregoing, the demogagery of the TEA Party, and the unjustified, yet constant cries of white racism on a national basis, is reminiscent of a bygone day in Germany. It is clear: the pieces of the tyranny puzzle are rapidly falling into place, and the picture, though not complete, is becoming rather clear. The liberal revolutionaries have staged their coup, and are in the process of establishing their absolute dictatorship.

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