Joseph Goebbels was given the task of building up Nazi support in Berlin. He did this between 1926 and 1930. In 1928, he was elected to the Reichstag – something that he repeated in 1930. In 1929, he had been given overall charge of the party’s propaganda machine. It was here that Goebbels excelled. In 1933, after Hitler was appointed chancellor, Goebbels was appointed Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda. He held this post until 1945.Goebbels knew the power of controlling what people thought. Those that did not had to face the secret police. Goebbels famous quote “If you tell a lie, tell a big one.” ”When the Führer speaks it is like a divine service”.
Groucho Marx’s rhetorical query “Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?” should be stipulated as the working premise at the beginning of the daily White House press briefing, in that it is hard, for any thoughtful person, to glean any similarity between what is being said from that bully pulpit, and reality.
To be fair, the Obama administration has, unwittingly, fulfilled its campaign pledge of transparency, in that any objective observer can vividly discern exactly what is happening: the administration’s approach to public information is the sequel to Joseph Goebbels’ “Big Lie”. That is to say, if the lie is big enough, and is repeated frequently enough, it will resonate and become accepted as fact. The truth will then be relegated to an insignificant footnote.
The way in which Goebbels handled Krystal Nacht is a dramatic, yet typical, example of the “Big Lie“. On November 10, 1938, Goebbels summoned the foreign press to the Information Ministry to characterize the “looting and destruction of Jewish property” as “a stinking lie”. The foreign corrspondents looked at each other with amazement and searched their collective minds for an explanation to reconcile what they had seen with their own eyes the previous night, (the broken glass and piles of rubble in the street) with this bold-faced lie. Goebbels quickly left before the reporters could mentally digest the fairytale which they had been told, and to form their rebuttal queries based upon their own first-hand observations. One reporter later wrote: “He had cleverly used the moment of our consternation to eliminate any possibility of asking him embarrassing questions.”
Absent the drama and historic perspective, but consistent with the method, the Obama administration has transmitted current-day public information in the same “Big Lie” style.
While the Obama administration condemns as “racist”, and, based on the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, is litigating, the Arizona Immigration Law, the truth of the matter is that same Arizona law is a mirror image of the Federal Immigration Law; the EXACT SAME LAW which the administration purportedly wants to prevail over the “racist” Arizona statute. Go figure!!!
The same style and method has been used to explain the economy. While the unrebutted facts show a stagnated, if not declining economy, the Obama administration proclaimed its stimulus package and economic policies the foundation(s) of “Recovery Summer”, and offered as supporting evidence, an inventive, if not scientifically measurable, “saved or created” gauge, which has benefited the American economy by three million jobs. Gibbs or Goebbels???
The Eric Holder Justice Department has justified the voter-intimidation actions of the New Black Panthers and his decision not to thoroughly vet registrants under the Motor-Voter program as necessary tools to fight VOTER SUPRESSION!!! What??? If this is a valid argument, give me a definition of voter intimidation and/or vote suppression. Thanks, Eric,… uh, Ludendorff, …uh, Heil,… ah, Holder, …yea,…uh…, that’s the name, Eric Holder… mmm—mmm-mmm.
“Are you going to believe me or your lying eyes” were spoken by Groucho Marx on a game show called “You Bet Your Life”. But, on November 4, 2008, “You Did Bet Your Life”, and that was a state of being, not a game show. In the Nov 2010 & 2012 elections are you going to believe Obama’s lies or your own eyes?

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