Friday, July 16, 2010

November Elections - Know Your Opponent

By Ed Blazejewski

Just as in athletics it is imperative that the opponent be scouted to understand their playbook, & any new tactics they may have added to it for the big game. Unless we understand our opponent as much as possible we will not be able to prepare properly by studing their playbook so we can effectively counteract their tactics, & even create our own tactics to hopefully overcome theirs & be victorious. This same principle applies to competitors in business, the political arena, military battles, etc.

If you've done any scouting of our Liberal left opponents for the upcoming November 2010 elections you would notice that the following plays have been added to their playbook:

(1) Voter Intimidation - Black on White via the Black Panthers per the DOJ acceptable.

(2) Voter Fraud - Provisional votes no longer have to be vetted for validity, the excuse for this per the DOJ is to not surpress voter turnout. The problem is that we want to surpress illegal voter turnout. Now illegal votes (by illegal immigrants, etc.) can be counted in the election returns.

(3) Felon Voting Rights - The DOJ wants to give felons who have served their sentence the right to vote (a 1st).

(4) In Port Chester, NY a Federal judge ruled that for each white vote Latinos could cast 6 votes to off set minority issues. As this is a federal ruling there is a concern that this could be applied nationally.

It's not enough that the Conservatives just show up for the voting game but that they study the Liberal playbook & any new voter tactics in order to ensure that we can maintain a level or fair playing field if hope to be victorious. Are Conservatives paying attention to the new & improved Liberal playbook? What is our strategy to assure that the game will be played on a level or fair playing field? Do we even have one?

Then there is the issue of what players will the conservatives put in the game. We must ensure our best conservative players with grit, conviction, & integrity are in the game. We don't want to make the mistake of putting in 3rd stringers such as Scott Brown or Olympia Snow whose conservative values & determination is weak & questionable. Putting RINOs in the game may end up winning seats but when it's time to go to the Super Bowl they can't be counted on to follow the conservative playbook.

These upcoming November elections are critical to the well being of our country. We must understand our opponents & their playbook, along with any surprise plays or tactics which will put us at a disadvantage. That means in addition to rallies & voter turnout we need a strategy to ensure a level or fair playing field is maintained.

As a conservative, cheerleaders are neat (rah rah sis-boom-bah), packing the stands is great & makes the game all the more exciting. But without the right players, knowlegde of your opponents & their game strategy, & incorporation into your own playbook strategies that will ensure the game is plated fairly, all the cheering, encouragement & fan fare will not guarantee victory.

If we don't understand our opponent & their tactics in this election the playing field will be skewed to the Liberal left & our victory questionable. Like in a military conflict we may not only lose some battles, but when added up the overall effect of these loses could be that we end up losing the war. Do your homework, develop a counter strategy, & have a few surprise plays or tactics of your own in your game or battle plan.

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