Saturday, July 10, 2010


"The Liberal Storm: When Executive, Legislative, and Media Enjoin" by Barry Secrest is coming out soon.

The following is from his FB page: for more information, check out his FB page.

Website: http://www.conservativerefocus.comCompany

Overview:Refocus Publishing is a subsidiary of Conservative Refocus.
Mission:Founded on principles of Conservatism and a free-market economy, Refocus Publishing is dedicated to providing the authors, artists, and the public with an outlet for credible, informative, truthful and enlightening, books and merchandise not readily available through Mainstream Media and publishing houses.


From Change We Can Believe in to Change We Can Hardly Believe.

The United States of America, a Republic founded on principles of freedom, liberty and opportunity has experienced a crippling series of governmental assaults over the past year-plus that has left its People shaken, uncertain, and struggling.

But the American Spirit is strong, and from the rubble of this Constitutional onslaught, the will of the People is rising.

A Perfect Liberal Storm: When Executive, Legislative, and Media Enjoin, presents our experience of the first year of the Obama Administration as chronicled by web columnist Barry Secrest.

Offering witty commentary, keen cultural insights, and sharp political analysis, A Perfect Liberal Storm is a shrewdly-critical, often emotionally impactful journey through the maelstrom of changes the United States experienced throughout 2009-2010: Healthcare reform, global warming scandals, economic disasters, government expansion and take-over of private sector businesses, Mainstream Media complacency, the rise of the Tea

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