Saturday, July 10, 2010


An EXCELLENT letter from Melissa Jenkins to Sen. Scott Brown.
Melissa states on her Face Book page, "This is an email I sent to Sen Brown against the Financial Reform Bill- TRUST ME WE DO NOT WANT THAT TO PASS. I encourage you friends to email him; with Grassley and Feingold out, they NEED Brown- we need his NO!"

Editor's Note: If passed, this bill would give the government access to all your bank records and every transaction. Also, I think we should be just as concerned about the two RINOs from Maine.

Now the letter:

Senator Brown,

I hope you have time to read this email as I have read those sent by you and your campaign. I am a proud supporter of you, Sir but I am replying today specifically to ask that you do not vote for the Financial Reform Bill. Please.

No question, they need your vote to pass financial reform: President Obama will find time to shoot hoops; Senator Dodd will have some important lunch with Goldman Sachs for you to attend, etc. Of course, I made up these examples but you get my point. With Senator Grassley and Senator Feingold in the NO category, they need your vote to pass it.

Please be our 41.

This email you sent on 6/28 mentions red tape. The financial bill adds 2000 pages of red tape in the form of rules, quotas, fees, taxes, laws and bureaucracies. The government will dictate how all companies related to finance (not just 'greedy' banks) run their business. If some unelected official deems your private business is too 'risky' they shut you down. This government has already trampled on GM and Chrysler bond holders prior to your election. Only 8% of the President's Cabinet has held positions in the private industry; in my opinion their actions and proposals have shown an under-appreciation and perhaps disdain to private enterprise. They are anti-business but wonder why companies are not creating jobs.

Please be our 41.

In addition, there has been quite a whitewash of the role the government had in causing the mess to begin with. As if the problems were all caused by 'fat cat bankers' or the 'free market has failed' and 'capitalism is evil', etc. America, as you mentioned, needs less red tape not more. We need the government to once again get out of the way as the founders intended and let our ingenuity restore this great nation.

Please be our 41.

Thank you for your time.


Melissa Jenkins

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