By Ed Blazejewski
Obama is the master of distraction & deception. Distraction is something that diverts attention: something that interferes with concentration or takes attention away from something else. Deception implies ingenious acts intended to dupe, cheat or resorted to trickery to gain a planned ends. Obama is an expert... in using both distraction & deception to take our eyes off of key issues.
I recognize there are many, many issues to deal with, but that’s Obama’s way, divide our attention, cause havoc, confusion & crises in many areas to distract us. It’s like the old shell game, if he can divert our attention we will lose sight of his main game plan.
In my opinion as we try to follow the bouncing balls we will lose sight of the main one. If we examine his main push it consists of the following:
(1) Allow illegal immigration to continue to take place
(2) Via the DOJ allow voter intimidation through organizations like the Black Panthers
(3) Via the DOJ allow provisional voting ballots to not be vetted or certified which allows for fraudulent voting (such as illegal immigrants). The reason given, not to suppress voter turnout.
(4) In Port Chester, NY a Federal Judge ruled that each white person got 1 vote while each Latino gets 6 votes. Strange but true. As this was a federal ruling there is an attempt to nationalize the concept.
(5) Attempt to change the electoral system.
What do this all have in common, voting? When’s the next election in ~ 3 months in November. Items (2) & (3) while illegal & unconstitutional are not being challenged. The RNC should be screaming bloody murder & take the DOJ to court to prove Just Cause, & place an injunction on these issues until the court rules. Just item # 3 could be sufficient enough to rig the election & swamp the ballot box with illegal Liberal votes.So as we watch areas like the Gulf oil issue, the southern border issue, the economy, jobs, the deficit, all important we have probably the most important national election coming upon us in a hurry. What’s being done to bring the attention due to items (2) & (3)?
Why are no protests & challenges being made by the RNC, GOP, State Legislatures & Governors’, the Tea Party, to these two critical issues? If we take our attention off of these the November elections may not produce the results we hope for. If Obama maintains control of both Houses of Congress we will be in big trouble for another two years. So how do we the people put a stop to a potentially rigged election?
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